2nd cycle. Prop + t300 + Anavar (var) 12 wk


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2nd cycle. Prop + t300 + Var 12 wk

Just planning out my second cycle. My first was a 16 weeks test E cycle w/ Anavar (var) for the last 8 weeks. It was a success, and recovery was smoothe!

For my second cycle, Im thinking about going with t300 for a blend to try something different, with less bloating for the summer I am also planning on implementing Test Prop to start, in order to get the 12 weeks started and in effect a lot sooner.

Week 1-8 T300 @ 400mg/week
Week 1-2 Prop @ 300mg/week
Week 1-4 Anavar (var) @ 40mg/ED
Week 7-12 Anavar (var) @ 40mg/ED
Week 8-12 Prop @ 400mg/week
Week 1-12 Aromasin @ 6.5mg/ED
HCG = haven't nailed this one out yet. Open to recommendations :)

- My reasoning for this is prop to start to allow the cycle to kick in, and the t300 to ramp up
- Anavar (var) for wk 1-4 for the same reasons, and them 3 weeks off to rest my liver.
- Prop to end for less bloating and a swift shift into PCT.
- Anavar (var) for wk 7-12 to finish off the cycle strong (any leaning up would be a bonus)

for PCT:
Week 1-4:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50
DAA @ 3g/ED

-LOTS of fats, and increased carbs for keeping cortesol levels low. Maybe an anti-catabolic (ECA/Albuteral)
maybe i should say some stupid stuff, and get some feedback! uh... Anavar (var) cycle w/ no test here I come! no PCT either.
!??!!??! ahahaha