2nd cycle Results


New member
Hi everyone, I have been away from ology for some time cause i have been travelling alot. You guys have helped me everytime and the mods and advanced members here are a great help ok so this is going to be a brief recap of what i have done since last posting.

My history. I started my first cycle when i was 25 have been training for bout 5 years hard for about 2, went to a phase where i was smoking way too much weed and thing got outta hand and i was sitting at 225 lbs at 5-11 thats was atleast 35% BF. With years past i changed my life and started training and got myself down to 172lbs at about 14% for some reason i could never go below that without losing muscle. Always had diet in check but jut could and anytimei increase my diet to bulk i would gain more fat than muscle. So anyways this was a struggle so i ventured out to get my hands on some AAS.

First cycle. Stats 172lbs 14% Anavar 3 weeks, Test at 500mg/w for 10 week cycle. End of cycle i was at 184 but was down to 12%. I have to mention one thing now.... I never felt so good i mean like over all well being feeling that i did when i was on cycle. IM not sure if i was low on test my whole life before....

Second cycle again for some reason i kept everything the same but i lost some weight and went down to 178lbs before the start of cycle 2 with about 13% BF.

Second cycle 500 Test E/w 4 weeks Dbol 50mg/ED 400 mg EQ/w 14 weeks cycle. Did HCG during and overall was a great cycle got to about 195 with about 13% BF.

Here goes nothing after the cycle i was in my 2nd week of my Pct is when i had to travel outta country for a week so could not take my serms with me but during that time i found a SARM called Osta.
So while i was gone my rat was ising that @12mg ED... Had great results even with no post cycle therapy (pct) in place the rat did not loose anyweight stayed lean and was sitting around the same weight.

****Shit went down when i got back i upped the Osta to 25mg with no real sides but the rat forsome reason had the worst suppression of any kind from OSTA i mean could not get hard it was just horrible so had to stop right away and started doing Nolva 20mg for fews days and everything seemed ok so the rat stopped.

Then about a week later i started feeling like i was not me again i mean i was gaing fat was sitting at 200lbs and sex drive was worst than that of a 60 yrs old man.

So i went and got blood done everything seemed fine

THE FREE T was 109 pmol/l it stated its in the norm range but i do not feel normal. I was having emotional issues and was simplu putting on fat. As of 2 days ago i stated
Nolva again but only at 10mg and 3 days in i feel amazing...today had a great workout gave to my old lady last night for like 2 hrs.

So my question is has anyone experienced something like this i mean a lingering suppressive effect of Sarm or AAs... I will take the nolva for atleast 14days and then get blood done.
Does the free T looks normal to you guys. Please help... MODS, and all eperenced members i would love your feedback....
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hi everyone, i have been away from ology for some time cause i have been travelling alot. You guys have helped me everytime and the mods and advanced members here are a great help ok so this is going to be a brief recap of what i have done since last posting.

My history. I started my first cycle when i was 25 have been training for bout 5 years hard for about 2, went to a phase where i was smoking way too much weed and thing got outta hand and i was sitting at 225 lbs at 5-11 thats was atleast 35% bf. With years past i changed my life and started training and got myself down to 172lbs at about 14% for some reason i could never go below that without losing muscle. Always had diet in check but jut could and anytimei increase my diet to bulk i would gain more fat than muscle. So anyways this was a struggle so i ventured out to get my hands on some aas.

First cycle. Stats 172lbs 14% anavar 3 weeks, test at 500mg/w for 10 week cycle. End of cycle i was at 184 but was down to 12%. I have to mention one thing now.... I never felt so good i mean like over all well being feeling that i did when i was on cycle. Im not sure if i was low on test my whole life before....

Second cycle again for some reason i kept everything the same but i lost some weight and went down to 178lbs before the start of cycle 2 with about 13% bf.

Second cycle 500 test e/w 4 weeks dbol 50mg/ed 400 mg eq/w 14 weeks cycle. Did hcg during and overall was a great cycle got to about 195 with about 13% bf.

Here goes nothing after the cycle i was in my 2nd week of my pct is when i had to travel outta country for a week so could not take my serms with me but during that time i found a sarm called osta.
So while i was gone i was ising that @12mg ed... Had great results even with no pct in place i did not loose anyweight stayed lean and was sitting around the same weight.

****shit went down when i got back i upped the osta to 25mg with no real sides but i forsome reason had the worst suppression of any kind from osta i mean my girl got mu pecker in her mouth and i could not get hard it was just horrible so i had to stop right away and started doing nolva 20mg for fews days and everything seemed ok so i stopped.

Then about a week later i started feeling like i was not me again i mean i was gaing fat was sitting at 200lbs and sex drive was worst than that of a 60 yrs old man.

So i went and got blood done everything seemed fine

the free t was 109 pmol/l it stated its in the norm range but i do not feel normal. I was having emotional issues and was simplu putting on fat. As of 2 days ago i stated
nolva again but only at 10mg and 3 days in i feel amazing...today had a great workout gave to my old lady last night for like 2 hrs.

So my question is has anyone experienced something like this i mean a lingering suppressive effect of sarm or aas... I will take the nolva for atleast 14days and then get blood done.
Does the free t looks normal to you guys. Please help... Mods, and all eperenced members i would love your feedback....
