you wanna run the sust longer like 12 weeks and stack the Anavar (var) on the end of the cycle for the last 6 weeks to harden you up buddy. id also consider what above said and run the dosage at 5-600mg rather than more, youll gain more by running it longer at a lower dosage than running less wks with a higher one imo, but thats up to you.
I dont know your ana Anavar (var) dosage but id imagine youll need alot more, id run the Anavar (var) at 60mg and bump up to 80mg last two weeks. Run it like this bud.
1-12 sustanon split or eod etc
2-12 aromasin 12.5mg eod
7-12 Ana Anavar (var) 60mg, 80mg last 2 weeks
7-12 forged liver
6-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500ius x2 a week
11-14 clomid 50/25/25/25
11-14 nolva 40/20/20/20
11-16 Daa (testbooster helps greatly, but up to you)
11-16 Forma stanzol (deals with rebound and controls eastrogen).