2nd Cycle Test Cyp & Dbol


College Student
21 years old 6'2" 225lbs.
8 Weeks of:
500mg Test Cyp A Week
40mg Naposim (Romanian Dbol) ED

I just did my second injection yesterday and everything has gone well. I'm up to 233lbs after the first week. Strength is through the roof and I'm loving it!
Just grab some Adex if bloat is outta control, it'll help with that and in prevention of gyno. .5mg ED works fine for me, you could probably go .5mg EOD as well.

Looks like a pretty good cycle. You have post cycle therapy (pct) planned? Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout?
Post up your training and diet routines if you got the time, it's always interesting to know.
I'm taking Animal Pak, Liver Tabs, Whey, CEE, Glutamine...For post cycle therapy (pct) I have MHP's T-Bomb II & Fizogen's "Gear Cycle". I'm only using these because I got them extremely cheap. I realize that clomid or arim would be better, but this was on hand and again (very cheap). No hcg
I'm not familar with the other products, but have gone the otc route before and its not worth it. Nolva is a much better idea and not expensive by any means.