2nd cycle Test/Deca/Dbol advice


New member
Hey guys this will be my 2nd cycle. Test 500mg/wk first time around close to a year ago. I was planning a test/deca cycle and just recently decided to throw in some dbol for a kicker. As of right now the cycle will look something like this:

-Test E 500mg/wk weeks 1-15

-Deca 500mg/wk weeks 1-12

-Dbol 40mg ED weeks 1-4

-HCG 500iu/wk up until 3-4 days prior to PCT

-Exemestane 25 ED weeks 1-18 (prone to gyno flare up)

-Ralox 50mg on hand if gyno flares up

-Caber .5mg 2x/wk if gyno flares up

-Nolva 40/40/20/20mg weeks 18-21

-Clomid 50/50/50/50mg weeks 18-21

The ralox and caber are on hand as precautions because like I said I am super prone to gyno flare up. I was leaning towards 500mg of deca but was also contemplating 400mg. If there is anything that seems off, maybe I should add or remove something, change the dose, etc. pleeeaaase let me know. Really looking forward to this one. Thank you guys
Its a decent cycle plan buddy, good work on that....

I know you're probably keen as mustard to try new stuff, but just be aware that Deca and D'Bol will both aromatise....

If you start getting estrogen related issues early doors - you're not going to know which compound is causing the issue.

If it was me personally running 19nor's for the first time - I'd drop the D'Bol and learn how to manage estrogen on Deca alone.

Instead of the inclusion of D'Bol, I'd move Test to 600mg per week. Giving you that little bit more than your last cycle.

Test E - 600mg
Deca - 500mg
No D'Bol

Just my personal preference - I've stuck rigidly with regard to keeping cycles simple over the years and adding in one compound at a time - and it's always stood me in good stead. Treat every cycle progressively and educate yourself along the way.

If you run Deca and D'Bol together - and things go wrong - you won't know which you were sensitive to - and walk away learning nothing.

I agree with Ben.

One other thing. If you run Deca, 12 weeks is too short. Try to get 16 weeks out of the Deca. It take a long time to kick in.
I agree with Ben.

One other thing. If you run Deca, 12 weeks is too short. Try to get 16 weeks out of the Deca. It take a long time to kick in.

I think he's good at 12 because of the long half-life. It will taper off for 3-4 weeks anyway and he can get to pct sooner. Maybe 1 more week of test and go 16 weeks while deca clears.
I think he's good at 12 because of the long half-life. It will taper off for 3-4 weeks anyway and he can get to pct sooner. Maybe 1 more week of test and go 16 weeks while deca clears.

that doesn't even make sense.

he's good at 12 because of the long half life? Did you mean worse?
If it takes 6-8 weeks for him to his optimal levels he has around 4 weeks of those levels before stopping. Seems like a waste really.
I'd rather use npp!

at the very least deca for 14 weeks, test for 15 and then he can pct in week 18.