2nd Cycle Test E / Deca.... Your thoughts?


New member
First cycle I just ran Sustanon250 @ 1 cc (250mg) every Monday and Thursday. went from 180 up to 205. I am back down to 185 now and preparing for round 2. My goal is to put on size. I am consuming about 3500 calories a day. Any feedback on this cycle is appreciated.

Age: 42
Height: 6' 2"
Weight:185 #'s

Test E weeks 1-14 at 250mgs every Monday & Thursday
HCG weeks 1-13.5 at 250 IU every Monday & Thursday
HCG weeks 13.5 - 14 at 1000 iu daily for last 10 days of cycle
Deca-Durabolin weeks 1-12 at 150Mgs EOD
Liquid Prami weeks 1-14 at .25 mg ED
Exemestane weeks 1-14 at 12.5 mg EOD
Clomid weeks 16-20 at 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex weeks 16-20 at 40/40/20/20
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You should think about going 14 or so weeks since you are using deca. End the deca two weeks before you plan on ending the Test.

You should use a Dopamine Agonist as well since you are using deca.
If your not using npp, there's no need to pin it every other day. U can pin it twice a week with test.
You should think about going 14 or so weeks since you are using deca. End the deca two weeks before you plan on ending the Test.

You should use a Dopamine Agonist as well since you are using deca.

Sorry for the long delay in response.... But thanks Megatron for the suggestion. I did update my original post and added Prami at .25mg Every day.

Is this dose (.25 mg ED) good? I know people go up to 1mg per day, but prefer to not exceed .5
Thanks again for your feedback!
Sorry for the long delay in response.... But thanks Megatron for the suggestion. I did update my original post and added Prami at .25mg Every day.

Is this dose (.25 mg ED) good? I know people go up to 1mg per day, but prefer to not exceed .5
Thanks again for your feedback!

Start at a lower dose and work your way up to .50mg daily.
Deca and NPP are both forms of nandrolone. Just different esters. Same idea as test cyp and test prop.

So Megatron, since I am going to use "Nandrolone Phenylpropionate"(Durabolin) do you agree I should stick with the 150 mg EOD for weeks 1-12 or cut it back to 150 twice a week? or ?

Thanks man!
I agree tbonexl, currently running test and deca myself and pinning 250mg of test and 300mg of deca Monday - Thursday. No problem pinning in same syringe
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QQ for your guys... I have all my gear except the Deca right now. Looking at my options the Nandrolone phenylpropionate (that is was going to run weeks 1-12 150 MG EOD) is going to cost 3 times the Nandrolone Decanoate... So I am thinking of just getting the Nandrolone Decanoate and running 300 MG every Monday and Thursday for weeks 1-12.

Anyone see any problems with this?

Another question... Been thinking about not using the HCG at all during cycle and then just using it alone off cycle... I have heard mixed reviews about this... your thoughts are appreciated
First question: yes, that's fine.

Second question regarding HCG: not a good idea. I would run it from week one to 3-4 days prior to PCT.
I would extend your cycle to 14-16 weeks. It takes longer for deca to build up. And stop deca two weeks before you plan on stopping test e injections as it takes longer to clear.