3. cycle powerlifting


New member
Starting my third cycle now after being off for 5 months. Been powerlifting for the last 18 months and before that bodybuilding for about 4 years.
I live in iceland and its impossible get things like Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and arimadex here, so I will only have nolva and natural shit

My stats:
215 lbs
about 18 % bf

12 week cycle.

Weeks 1-4
Test E 1000 mg per week
Deca 150 mg per week
D - bol 50 mg ED

Weeks 5-10
Test E 1000 mg per week
Deca 150 mg per week

Weeks 11-12
test E 1000 mg per week

post cycle therapy (pct) nolva 40/40/20/20

Last time I was using 800 mg of test E for 14 weeks, had a pretty easy post cycle therapy (pct) and kept most of the gains, and no bad side only a bit bloated, so I think I should be allright.