3 months progress...


New member
Hey guys i am new to this site so thought of posting a thread. I started working out when i was 18 and continued till 22 which is almost 4 years. then took a break for 5 years untill 3 months ago. I weighed 62 kgs when i hit the gym after 5 years but decided to gain some serious mass with the help of proper diet and supplements. I did bit of a research on supplementation and finally decided to go with whey protein and no explode. Over a period of time i learnt that your basic diet is the primary source of nutrition whereas the supplements are secondary source of nutrition to cover up that lil amount of nutrition left uncovered by your primary source of nutrition. Thus decided to rely mostly on primary diet. My meal plan looked like this

Meal 1. 4 whole eggs, 3 toasts, 2 medium size sweet potatoes, 2 chicken sausages and glass of orange juice with one capsule of multi vitamin, glucosamine with omega oil, magnesium and iron.

Meal 2. (Post work out) protein shake immediately after my workout followed by 200 gms of roasted chicken breast skinless and boneless with half standard size lettuce and half standard size broccoli.

Meal 3. 200 gms of roasted chicken breast skinless and boneless with half standard size lettuce and half standard size broccoli and one cup of brown rice.

Meal 4. 200 gms of roasted chicken breast skinless and boneless with half standard size lettuce and half standard size broccoli and one cup of brown rice.

i have 4 boiled egg whites in between my 3rd and 4th meal and again 4 egg whites after my 4 meal with protein shake.

with this diet plan i am weighing 74 kgs in just 3 months. strength has gone up, motivation is high coz i could see myself changing in the mirror.

Hope this helps someone to achieve their goals too so though of sharing..
Welcome to the forum! Glad to see you are making progress, and staying motivated too. Keep up the solid work, and definitely check out the sub-forum stickies for lots of great information.
Thnx for the warm welcome budyy. Yes, I have kept the hard work and kept myself motivated coz i could still see myself changing even though the gains have got real slow but the pump in the gym keeps me satisfied and motivated for next days workout.