Stats real quick, 43, 187lbs right now, 5'8", on test, deca, d-bol, hcg cycle. Test ~800mg a week, deca 500 per week, d-bol 60mg daily, hcg ~800 per week. All injections split in half, Wednesday and Saturday.
I'm running the d-bol for 6 weeks, 3 20mg capsules sit thru the day. When that runs out I was wondering, based on blood tests coming back with no ill effects on liver values, would it be beneficial or harmful if I finished out the cycle on some anavar? I haven't cointed how many tabs I have but it would need to be shorter duration or low dose for 6 weeks. Opinions?
I've gained 10 lbs on what we'll call a dirty bulk. I didn't intend for it to be that, but it turned out that way. I eat the first 4 meals clean but 5 ends up usually being not clean. 6, if I "eat" it is a casien shake before bed. Weekends are a pain because I stay so busy doing stuff aroind the house, I don't plan out my meals lile I do when I'm at work and on my schedule. Goal is ~20lb gain, then maintain that afterwards while still having abs that show.
Everyone talks about deca sometimes being test instead from some labs. Both my suppliers are reputable, but I switched from ome to the other when my vial ran out and I'm really feeling some elbow and shoulder pain. No question there, just whining about it. I think it's bad enough that starting today, after this morning's workoit, I will take a week off only doing my legs and letting things rest. Sucks to do it in the middle of a cycle.
Last time I took measurements was may 7th so I measured yesterday. Chest has grown 2 inches, legs 1 inch, calves almost 1/2 inch, arms NOTHING, but forearms about 1/4 inch. Won't speak about stomach and waist.
I'm running the d-bol for 6 weeks, 3 20mg capsules sit thru the day. When that runs out I was wondering, based on blood tests coming back with no ill effects on liver values, would it be beneficial or harmful if I finished out the cycle on some anavar? I haven't cointed how many tabs I have but it would need to be shorter duration or low dose for 6 weeks. Opinions?
I've gained 10 lbs on what we'll call a dirty bulk. I didn't intend for it to be that, but it turned out that way. I eat the first 4 meals clean but 5 ends up usually being not clean. 6, if I "eat" it is a casien shake before bed. Weekends are a pain because I stay so busy doing stuff aroind the house, I don't plan out my meals lile I do when I'm at work and on my schedule. Goal is ~20lb gain, then maintain that afterwards while still having abs that show.
Everyone talks about deca sometimes being test instead from some labs. Both my suppliers are reputable, but I switched from ome to the other when my vial ran out and I'm really feeling some elbow and shoulder pain. No question there, just whining about it. I think it's bad enough that starting today, after this morning's workoit, I will take a week off only doing my legs and letting things rest. Sucks to do it in the middle of a cycle.
Last time I took measurements was may 7th so I measured yesterday. Chest has grown 2 inches, legs 1 inch, calves almost 1/2 inch, arms NOTHING, but forearms about 1/4 inch. Won't speak about stomach and waist.