3 weeks into cycle and a question or two


Stats real quick, 43, 187lbs right now, 5'8", on test, deca, d-bol, hcg cycle. Test ~800mg a week, deca 500 per week, d-bol 60mg daily, hcg ~800 per week. All injections split in half, Wednesday and Saturday.

I'm running the d-bol for 6 weeks, 3 20mg capsules sit thru the day. When that runs out I was wondering, based on blood tests coming back with no ill effects on liver values, would it be beneficial or harmful if I finished out the cycle on some anavar? I haven't cointed how many tabs I have but it would need to be shorter duration or low dose for 6 weeks. Opinions?

I've gained 10 lbs on what we'll call a dirty bulk. I didn't intend for it to be that, but it turned out that way. I eat the first 4 meals clean but 5 ends up usually being not clean. 6, if I "eat" it is a casien shake before bed. Weekends are a pain because I stay so busy doing stuff aroind the house, I don't plan out my meals lile I do when I'm at work and on my schedule. Goal is ~20lb gain, then maintain that afterwards while still having abs that show.

Everyone talks about deca sometimes being test instead from some labs. Both my suppliers are reputable, but I switched from ome to the other when my vial ran out and I'm really feeling some elbow and shoulder pain. No question there, just whining about it. I think it's bad enough that starting today, after this morning's workoit, I will take a week off only doing my legs and letting things rest. Sucks to do it in the middle of a cycle.

Last time I took measurements was may 7th so I measured yesterday. Chest has grown 2 inches, legs 1 inch, calves almost 1/2 inch, arms NOTHING, but forearms about 1/4 inch. Won't speak about stomach and waist.
I realize absolutely nobody will be impressed with this pic. But considering I didn't train legs at all the first 6-9 months, then would skip them pretty frequently, until just very recently getting serious aboit working them, I'm ecstatic with the progress. Even the veins are starting to poke out all over them, which actually isn't something I strive for but it shows that I'm doing good for them.

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How long is your cycle total? I'd normally advise taking a 4-6 week break between orals, but that's just to give your liver a break. I guess if your AST/ALT come back well within range, you should be fine.

Joint pain is inevitable, even with deca on a bulk. It might be bunk deca or too much AI, but the fact of the matter is that you're pushing harder, and growing - which is tough on connective tissues. Of course, a blood test will confirm, as deca won't make your TT go sky high, where taking an extra 500mg of test in its place will.

Great progress so far for sure, keep it up!

My .02c :)
I had only planned for 12 weeks but habe the supplies and time for 16 weeks. Is there a huge benefit to running it longer? I've only done 12 because I was on a schedule with my trt doc.

I'm also taking .5mg liquidex eod. And based on a thread I read about gyno, I've been taking 60mg daily of ralox for a while now. I take .3-.5mg prami daily and 5mg liquid cia daily on workout days.
Nothing wrong with those wheels. You have some big teardrops man.
You get them a bit bigger in that condition theyre gonna look huge!

I see no issue with the anavar provided your liver come backs in check. What kind of dose do you have enough to run? If its too low Id say wait if it 60+ per day Id say giver. But like I said get your liver checked, thats the first order of business.
I have to count what I have and figure dose. It was just a thought that crossed my mind. Do you know which exact blood test will.give me what I need to know formliber values? Usually mid cycle, I just order the female hormome panel for males. But I can't remember what all it tests.
Thanks for the compliment. Ive always been ome of those guys who said my legs genetically won't grow. Recently I read an article that had a workout along with it that I started. I've been doing it 4 weeks and can tell a huge difference. So basically I was half a**img my leg workouts or skipping them amd blaming genetics. Calves still need some work and right calf is 1/2 inch smaller because I broke that leg just above the ankle amd never rehab'd it so I lost alot of flexibility in the ankle, but I'm working on it now.
Theres a tiny bit of difference in shape but not much man just the outter heads a bit bigger on the left one. Its pretty hard to get anything (bis tris pecs) to look identical to the opposite one anyways. I do know where your coming from though Ive broken my left ankle twice and my left looks different than my right as well, BUT, that's the way it goes!!

Not bad calfs though at all.
I haven't read all the replies so this may have been said, but dbol is rough on you so I wouldn't recommend the var. Var is my favorite compound. I have ran dbol and var in one cycle, and I have run them at the same time, but my liver values were high despite var being so mild. It is ultimately your choice, and If you ignore my advice then at least get you some liver support and have your liver values tested half way through and again at the end.

As far as your "dirty bulk", I feel that has no place in bodybuilding. Clean bulk only. I get more than most the difficulty of meal planning, as I usually work at least 2 full time jobs. That is no excuse though. For your 5th meal just get some nuts and a protein shake. That is the easiest way to avoid the dirty meal. If you need to split your meal prep into two days to help cover the weekend then do that. Weekends should be easier to maintain healthy diets. I mean no disrespect, but it sounds more like you are making excuses to eat what you want. It's all about how badly you want it.

On the plus side of var, it does burn fat. For me it does very well, but we are all not the same. I just have the genetics that respond well to certain compounds. Hope this helps.

Also, the pain may be the .5 of adex. Try .25 or in between there. Your legs look great though. I am one of those guys with trouble growing my legs so consider yourself lucky and be careful with that ankle. Hang a light weight from your foot and do reps of flexing it to both sides and back and forth. Also work on the stretching.
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I had only planned for 12 weeks but habe the supplies and time for 16 weeks. Is there a huge benefit to running it longer? I've only done 12 because I was on a schedule with my trt doc.

I'm also taking .5mg liquidex eod. And based on a thread I read about gyno, I've been taking 60mg daily of ralox for a while now. I take .3-.5mg prami daily and 5mg liquid cia daily on workout days.

Longer time on = more lean mass due to greater exposure to an anabolic environment. Of course this has limitations, and I definitely wouldn't mess with TRT testing.

Do you have gyno or know from experience that you need prami? Those may not be needed otherwise. Yes, the female panel has liver enzymes on it. :)
I do have gyno but it's from 15 years ago. I just tried the ralox as a last ditch effort to see ifnit would help at all. The left side, which was smaller, seems to have gone away some. Right side is still there, might have shrunk a little. Or I just built the chest up more around it. I think I added the prami when I added the deca to my trt as a precaution. Might not need.
I have one other question. I go heavy on chest, legs, back days. I habe had pain on my lower bicep/upper forearm for a while but it's been sort of manageable. But now it's getting bad. Pull ups absolutely kill it as well as a couple other things. And recently I've been having rhe feeling as if I'm extremely close to tearing a muscle in a few different spots. Outside of left pec, inside of right quad (I guess. Right near your sack), and my biceps constantly hurt and feel pumped. Holding my cell phone while laying in bed vauses my biceps to "knot up" and I have to stop and straighten my arm to stretch them.

Question is: is some of this the d-bol talking? Doesn't it cause a major pump in your muscles or am I mistaking it for something else? The sore/almost torn feeling usually hangs around for a day or two after my workout.
I have one other question. I go heavy on chest, legs, back days. I habe had pain on my lower bicep/upper forearm for a while but it's been sort of manageable. But now it's getting bad. Pull ups absolutely kill it as well as a couple other things. And recently I've been having rhe feeling as if I'm extremely close to tearing a muscle in a few different spots. Outside of left pec, inside of right quad (I guess. Right near your sack), and my biceps constantly hurt and feel pumped. Holding my cell phone while laying in bed vauses my biceps to "knot up" and I have to stop and straighten my arm to stretch them.

Question is: is some of this the d-bol talking? Doesn't it cause a major pump in your muscles or am I mistaking it for something else? The sore/almost torn feeling usually hangs around for a day or two after my workout.

If you make a tight fist and hold it for a minute; that crazy tight feeling in your forearms is from the AAS. Dbol can definitely increase this effect, and taurine can help some. Unfortunately, it doesn't help spasms that can also occur, which can be just as painful. Spasms are where a muscle contracts, and doesn't want to let go - kind of like a cramp. The difference being that you can usually massage out or walk off a cramp.

The elbow pain is something a lot of us deal with, and as it's tendon related - is trickier to manage. I remember a thread where guys were recommending acupuncture or seeing a physical therapist. I just try to stretch a great deal, and do warmup sets to help loosen things up.