35 year old test levels

well the normal range for a male is somewhere between 300-900 ng/dl but probably leaning towards the middle to bottom end of that range for the age.
estray said:
well the normal range for a male is somewhere between 300-900 ng/dl but probably leaning towards the middle to bottom end of that range for the age.
Wouldnt apply to all men. It would depend on your lifestyle, diet and exercise also.
LOL. How does your diet and lifestyle affect your test levels? They are what they are.

I gave him the range. thats all anyone can do without a blood test.
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estray said:
LOL. How does your diet and lifestyle affect your test levels? They are what they are.

I gave him the range. thats all anyone can do without a blood test.

Well..if your a lazy fat fuck who doesn't exercise, drinks constantly and eats absolute shit...then I can see your levels being lower than if the same person exercised, didn't drink so much and ate healthy meals..

There is no "Normal" test levels you can say for a 35 year old man..they have what they consider "Normal Ranges" which is what estray said..if you grew up and your test levels where always around 900 - 1000..and all of a sudden they drop to 500..your still considered "In Range" even though your level has been halved.. I think thats a big thing with Swale, also.. he doesn't go just by your test level...but how you feel..if your used to 1000 test level your whole life and then drop to 500...well..your not gonna feel as good as you did before.....
Im 36. i had my levels checked last year the day after my first injection of test cyp(i know i shouldve waited the extra day but it just worked out that way, long story) and my levels were 1100! I wonder if the cyp could've affected the blood test after only 1 day in my body. Hmmm.
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37 and had my levels checked for the 1 st time before my first cycle and I was 217. I work out and eat healthy, just guess thats me. I tried to get my doc to write a script for some test.

He wouldn't....... ........British Dragon did! LOL!
jhweatherby said:
whats normal test levels of a 35 year old? when not on juice.

I saw something where it was broken down by age and 300 was about right for an 85 y/o. A 35 y/o would be more like 550-700.

Labcorp's range is 241-827, a range which I belive includes not only "normal" healthy young men, but also sick old men with one foot in the grave. I wouldn't want to be 35 and be at the bottom of the bell curve.

I tested 300 and at first my dr didn't want to do anything, until I told him that was like 2 SD from the norm for a man in his 30s.

Now I'm on cyp, 100mg/wk. I'm never going off until I die. A week after each shot I get down to 800-1100. I feel way better at 800-1100 than I ever did at the bottom of the Labcorp "reference" range.
pineapple how did u feel that low?

mine were always in the 500s. even when i was like 18. I tried many times to get script but they wouldnt give me one. its their fault that i turned to dark world of steroids.

now i stay on all the time, for the past few years, im 24 now and i stay on 200mg
simpllyhuge said:
now i stay on all the time, for the past few years, im 24 now and i stay on 200mg

You never blast and cruise?
How are you progressing in the gym at that dose?

and do you check bloodvalue ? How is it?
I don't know the range by memory but if you get a blood test it will show you all the normal ranges and what your numbers are.
the range is about 300 to 1100. really you would want to be around 800 to 100.

that is my cruise dose. Ill drop down to 150 sometimes. Its not about gains its about me feeling good.
lastlaft said:
37 and had my levels checked for the 1 st time before my first cycle and I was 217. I work out and eat healthy, just guess thats me. I tried to get my doc to write a script for some test.

He wouldn't....... ........British Dragon did! LOL!

Your Doctor is a mindless quack then. 217 in my opinion is not only low I think it's unhealthy long term. http://www.newstarget.com/019992.html
yeah i think testosterone being low is goin to affect your motivation and cofidence and drive in life in general. If u feel okay now imagine when u supplement with the optimal dose. If i were u i would purposly try and come in with lower levels and get put on test. maybe try some var and see if u can actually be tested while on it or use AS and after it clears go in for the test. you could always supplement your self but the point is u want your doctor to monitor your blood.
Jimmykick said:
Your Doctor is a mindless quack then. 217 in my opinion is not only low I think it's unhealthy long term. http://www.newstarget.com/019992.html

I agree, at the time I was only looking for androgel and he wouln'd do it. I just had a full blood panel done last week before I started my 2nd cycle. I will get the results back in a day or so.

If indeed I have had an abnormaly low test level my whole life it would answer a lot of questins that I had over the past few years.
best of luck to you brother
if you really are that low then you not only should get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) you NEED to IMO
i would just get the test your self and start taking 125 mg a week if u cant get doc to give it to you. then down the road come off and when u have shitty levels on the test it will be more of reason for him putting u on.