37yo looking for some 1st cycle advice....


New member
Hi guys,

Been doing some research for a while now and I thinking about doing my first cycle once 2013 hits. Obviously never dabbled in AAS before so I suppose that I just wanted to see if I could get some feedback.

Basic Stats:

Age: 37
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 235lbs
BF: 16%ish

Been thinking of doing a 12 or 16 week cycle of 500mg/wk of test e.

From what I've gathered I'd also need to run some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle to "keep the boys in shape" and run Clomid and Nolva for a few weeks after for PCT.

What I'd like to know is whether or not it makes sense to add in some D-bol for the 1st 4 weeks or go with something like Anavar (I know it's pricey and you have to take bigger doses of it).

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
run the dbol for the 1st 4 weeks buddy this will give you gains and strength and get you feeling on while the test builds in your system. If your running orals you need to run a liver support like n2guard this will protect your liver and hep with blood pressure etc.

If you wanna run the Anavar (var) run it last 4-6 weeks of your cycle to harden you up, run it at 60mg a day and bump it too 80mg last 2 weeks, youll need some sort of liver support aswell tho to be safe.
run the dbol for the 1st 4 weeks buddy this will give you gains and strength and get you feeling on while the test builds in your system. If your running orals you need to run a liver support like n2guard this will protect your liver and hep with blood pressure etc.

If you wanna run the Anavar (var) run it last 4-6 weeks of your cycle to harden you up, run it at 60mg a day and bump it too 80mg last 2 weeks, youll need some sort of liver support aswell tho to be safe.

Much appreciated! Was going to ask if you could take BOTH in a staggered format like that.... so thanks for that answer. Would it be advisable to take a week or two off between the 2 orals?

Haven't heard of n2guard.... was going to get some milk thistle for liver support but I'll def. check that out.

I've seen tbol around as well and wondered where that would fit into things. Could I take that as a "kickstart" oral instead of the dbol or is it more like Anavar (var) in that it takes longer to work but provides more solid gains?
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