3j's. New guys opinion

abe lincolin

New member
I was searching online for some diet info and it lead me to this site. After reading the post in the diet forum I came to contact 3J's. I am starting my 2nd session (weeks 6-12) and I must say, this guy knows his shit. My strength went through the roof in the first session. I am 5'9" and weigh 187lbs. My bench is now 365, I squat over 400, and the diet is easy to follow and cheaper than one would think. I can eat 6 meals a day 7 days a week for $50. Not only is this easy to follow but he works with you within your budget. He hooked me up and is always answering the many many emails I send asking questions, even if they are dumb ones lol. I cant say enough good about it. If you are looking for any help in this area this is the place you need to contact. My man knows his shit.

I am starting the carb cycle Monday and I cant wait to see the results it brings. Its easy to trust someone when they produce results, so stop wasting time with this fad diet shit and get ahold of my man.
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