Whats up guys. I am a returning member and could not remember my last name or password, so I am on a new account. Okay lets get on to the good stuff.
I am 28 years old.
190lbs, with a very athletic build.
I have ran two previous cycles which I will go into more detail about here:
cycle #1
500mg sus pw for 12 weeks. I did not do a proper post cycle therapy (pct). I was 22 years old and on my first deployment to iraq. I had just began lifting not too long prior. I had no idea on what I was doing I was just listening to guys I worked with. During that time I found some proper websites and good material and ended up learning what I did wrong. I did see good gains off this cycle but I was too young and no where near experienced engouh. I did not keep any real gains off this cycle but I did learn a lot.
I waited four years to run another cycle as I learned alot from my first time. Long story short I broke my arm in the fall of 2011. Before I had broken my arm I was around 195 and pretty much where I am today physically. I lost about 25 to 30 lbs over the course of almost three months of being in a cast. So I ran this cycle to get myself back to where I was before I broke my arm.
500mg sus p/w
500mg tren e p/w
and I ran a half ass PCT as I had a lot going on in my life at the time and was not truly focused.
During this cycle I saw amazing strength and weight gains. I went from around 185 to at my peak 213. After my pct I was around 200. Now over one year later I am walking around about 190 ish
I will begin this cycle from by far my best starting point physically. I am very excited to start and plan on cataloging my gains throughout the entire cycle. I am starting to design my lifting program as well as finalizing my cycle here soon. But for now I will be running this:
600 mg Test C p/w-Brand-Watson
500mg tren e p/w-homebrew
I will do a proper PCT this time around as well.
I really am planning on trying to get the best possible weight out of this cycle. I want to put on a SOLID 15-20lbs and I believe this route will be great. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I am 28 years old.
190lbs, with a very athletic build.
I have ran two previous cycles which I will go into more detail about here:
cycle #1
500mg sus pw for 12 weeks. I did not do a proper post cycle therapy (pct). I was 22 years old and on my first deployment to iraq. I had just began lifting not too long prior. I had no idea on what I was doing I was just listening to guys I worked with. During that time I found some proper websites and good material and ended up learning what I did wrong. I did see good gains off this cycle but I was too young and no where near experienced engouh. I did not keep any real gains off this cycle but I did learn a lot.
I waited four years to run another cycle as I learned alot from my first time. Long story short I broke my arm in the fall of 2011. Before I had broken my arm I was around 195 and pretty much where I am today physically. I lost about 25 to 30 lbs over the course of almost three months of being in a cast. So I ran this cycle to get myself back to where I was before I broke my arm.
500mg sus p/w
500mg tren e p/w
and I ran a half ass PCT as I had a lot going on in my life at the time and was not truly focused.
During this cycle I saw amazing strength and weight gains. I went from around 185 to at my peak 213. After my pct I was around 200. Now over one year later I am walking around about 190 ish
I will begin this cycle from by far my best starting point physically. I am very excited to start and plan on cataloging my gains throughout the entire cycle. I am starting to design my lifting program as well as finalizing my cycle here soon. But for now I will be running this:
600 mg Test C p/w-Brand-Watson
500mg tren e p/w-homebrew
I will do a proper PCT this time around as well.
I really am planning on trying to get the best possible weight out of this cycle. I want to put on a SOLID 15-20lbs and I believe this route will be great. Any input would be greatly appreciated.