4 month Cutting results

myo i think u should bulk first. u look cut up though congrats.
Uruk is right. I am looking for a more cut up look. I am however looking to build good muscle quality slowly over the next few months.

Here is a before picture. This is after my clean bulk just before I started my cut. I was sitting at around 14% bf
Nice work, im in week 2 of a 10 week Test Enanthate cycle 400mg PW and might be getting Anavar (var) around week 5, if i do ill be running for 5 weeks at 50mg ED. Don't think ill look as good as you but heres hoping, lol.

Well done.
Damn son you need to smile. I'd have an ear to ear grin with a midsection like that. Awesome pics.
Now when you meet chicks, dont say shit. Just lift up your shirt and tense your abs.

The panties will drop right there...