4 week Tren/Winny speedcycle


New member
Hi there, barring any serious "don't do it!" feedback within the next few days as I recieve my gear, I will be running a 4 week speed cycle of Tren-A and Winstrol tabs.

I am currently 29 years of age, have been lifting on and off for a while, but the last 4 years can be concidered really serious, having done programmes such as RYP, 5x5, HIT and other... I never quite liked HIT, but that might just be my psyche...
I am about 6"1 and am sitting on about 80 KGs with a bodyfat % of 12ish...

The cycle will be:
week 1 10mg dbol ED (1 dose)
week 1-4 25mg tablet winstrol (1 dose)
week 1-4 70mg Tren-A EOD.

PCT: 4 weeks of Nolvadex, starting 4 days after last injection of Tren-A.

I'll be running milk thistle, double my vitamins and minerals and double my omega-3 intake in this period.

Also, I'll be chugging down ALOT of protein... Approx. 3-4g per kg of bodyweight... Am looking forward to seeing what results may come from this.

Wish me luck! :)
Whats your prior experience with aas?
These are two fairly harsh chems, are you aware of that?
You will be better off running this for at least 6 weeks as at four weeks you'll only really be seeing the true benefits.