Going into week six I am down 3 lbs from last week! Weight is 196 lbs. Probably just water weight! Strength is up and I am slowly lowering carbs. Currently eating about 300-400 grams of carbs a day! Hoping to hold steady around 200 lbs by end of week six and by week 8 i'll add in some P90x for cardio days! Pretty much been eating everything in site and my sodium intake is way too high at the moment. My job provides 3 meals a day and they usually are a burger or tacos. In week 8 ill start packing my own food and really lower my carb intake to 100-150 grams a day. I work 13-15 hours a day and sleep about 5-6 hours on weekdays and 7-8 on weekends. See ya'll next week!
Hey man, much improvement. You know, for some of us the hard part of all this is where the rubber meets the road, the hard ass continuous training and eating after cycle. Hope you do good!
Anyway very cool pics. Oh learn how to pose better it makes all the difference in the world when showing yourself and gains ! you're on a good tract bud.
Slowly lowering carbs, strength still going up and BF starting to dwindle little by little.
Weight still between 195-198 but body composition is improving
Put on a few extra pounds of fat first few weeks by eating everything in site. Probably a bad Idea but I wanted to grow so bad and got carried away.
Finally getting some vascularity back in my chest and biceps.
I can definitely tell I am not as full this week since cutting my carbs but I am gonna stick with it. Starting to see some abs again but my muscles are so flat.
Upping lift sessions to 4 times a week and adding cardio into my split.
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