4th Cycle, any advice? would appreciate it


New member
Hey guys I am in the process of figuring out my 4th cycle. I have two options for this cycle, one is a straight bulk, while the other is loose good ammount of fat gain a tad bit of muscle

230 around 25% BF

I had two options this year, get up to 250lbs by bulking on my cycle and cut 25lbs after i recovered. Or Cut to 220 during cycle, and try to get 225lbs (5lb muscle). I guess i should throw my goal in life is to have a good amount of mass, but mainly focused on being strong as fuck

Doing Test-E only 750mg each week, weeks 1-12
Test Prop 150mg EOD for weeks 1-4
Proper PCT and Proper AI, and HCG

Past cycles
1st- Test-E 500 1-15
Test prop 16-17
Var 1-6 weeks 50mg ED

2nd cycle
Test Prop weeks 1-12 150mg EOD
NPP weeks 1-10 125mg EOD

3rd cycle
Test-E 500 weeks 1-12
Ur advanced enough by now to throw in some tren e say 400 mg a week with the test if ur going for strength myself I would do 13-15 weeks u will get great lean gains if ur diet is on point and strong as a ox
I like the cycle. As mentioned above is throw in some tren. You'll thank us later. Also, I'd cut at your height while still getting strong as shit with both the test and tren. Good luck bro
Im not picking on you, but you need to lose weight before you run creative cycles. Keep it simple with test only or to help prevent aromatization add mast. At 25% bf think cardio.

Good luck brother.