500mg Test E / Winny / Clomid


New member
Started a cycle of 500 Mg's of Test Enanthate about 7 weeks ago. I also have a cycle of Clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct) and a cycle of Winny.
My question is in what order should I do the Winstrol (winny) and Clomid. My last cycle I waited two weeks after my last dose of Test to start taking the Clomid. This seemed to work great and bring my natural test levels back to normal.

My main goal is to get ripped. So should I start taking the Winstrol (winny) right after im done with test and then take the Clomid right after the Winny.

Or should I wait two weeks, Take the Clomid and then after the Clomid take the Winny?
you should be doing the Winstrol (winny) with the test not after and then stop both and 2 weeks after start the clomid as usual.
I'm just worried that the Winstrol (winny) is going to be trying to pull the water out of my body and the test is gonna be holding onto it. Really just trying to get cut and ripped more than gain any size from the winny.
im about to start my 1st cycle of test e 500mg a week. i am gonna run clomid for my pct also. did you use the clomid alone for your post cycle therapy (pct)? how many mg's did you run daily?
I only used Clomid for my post cycle therapy (pct). I see a lot of guys using a lot more than I did. But I have had success with taking 100 mgs (2 pills) a day for 5 days and then 50mgs for the next 10 days. Keep in mind you need to wait 2 weeks after your last shot to begin taking clomid. I kept almost all of my gains and my boys grew right back to there original size.
did you pin in the morning, night, b4 workout, or after? hate to ask so many damn questions. just tryin to cover everything b4 i start. i still got some time just doin some research.
I pin on Wed and Sunday. I workout in the morning so I pin later in the afternoon. Sunday Pin gets me ready for chest (Mon), bi's/ Forearms (Tues) and legs (Wed), Wed pin gets me ready for shoulders/tri's/traps(Thurs) and Back(Fri). Doesn't really matter when you pin, Test acts slow. Just remember to aspirate and switch up your spots. Glutes/ Delts and Quads are my fave. Switch it up every week.. You can go left to right, or straight up swith spots.

Here is a good site as a reference.

Not spamming, it is helpful for first timers and has pics.
thanks for the link man. i been debating on whether or not to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with my post cycle therapy (pct) or not. i know i need it with a long cycle, or if i was stackin. but what about with test only?