5yrs Since My Last Cycle - Need Cycle Advice


New member
Greetings everyone! Would appreciate your insights on what kind of cycle I should perform.

Stats: 6ft, 216lb, 13% BF

My last cycle was in 2011, I was 255lbs, can't recall BF, but I know it was <10%. I was doing the test, tren, masteron cycle, had some deca in there just for joint support (benching 505lb).

i can say that for the last 10 months, I've been hitting the gym on a consistent basis. I recently did a Test E cycle @ 500mg/wk.

What I'm looking to do is gain back some of the look I had. However, I'm not looking to be 255lbs and definitely not looking to bench the amount I was back in the day. My goal is to be 225lbs, and have the look of lean muscle. I understand diet is key to having the lean muscle look and with that being said, I'm not sure which cycle would be best to achieve the results I'm looking for.

Option 1 - test E (500mg/wk for 16weeks) deca (300mg /week for 12weeks) tbol (50mg/day for 7wks)

Option 2 - test E (500mg/wk for 12 weeks) winny (50mg day/6wks)

Option 3 -TNT400mg blend - twice per week for 12 weeks

If you have other suggestions, I'm open. I know I didn't list the pct, not needing advice on that part.
maybe since youve been away so long why not start straight and anew and go with Test E cycle @ 500mg/wk 12 weeks.
Ya know as said you have been off for 5 years. Best to get back in the swing of things, the lesser the better. Test can be an awesome compound at this point in your career. You can use your diet to get leaner and stay leaner.

A kick starter of Prop for 4 weeks will get you up straight out of the box as your Test "E" works up. A low dose of Adex to keep you Estrogen under control up to PCT. I like longer then shorter cycles so 16 weeks is good. IMOP better then just the 12 week cycle.

It is in my opinion that any other compound stacked will be a waste. Let diet do it and then you can control your water with only a Test compound not too high and the use of ADEX. from day one.

You are experienced and this will be a good strong come back and easy to control all sides.

Good Luck and easy does it.....