6 month log (test/EQ/Dbol/Tren)


On Vacation
OK, so I figured I would try and keep up with this log as much as possible. I like having a place to keep track of all this stuff. So here goes.

This is my third cycle. I am in week four:

Week 1-17 Test Cyp - 250mg E3D
Week 1-17 EQ - 250mg E3D
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg/ED
Week 1-3 25mcg ED T3
Week 4-6 T3 pyramid up to 100mcg then back down
Week 7-? 25mcg ED T3
Week 12-19 Tren 75mg ED
Week 1-19 Adex .25mg ED

Nolva post cycle therapy (pct), HCG throughout, blah, blah

Starting weight - 228lbs 15.2% BF. Height 5'9 1/2"

OK, so I started this cycle with the intention of just packing on size like I normally do. Well, I got to the three week mark and I had gained some weight (maybe 5-7 lbs), but the majority of it was fat and water, if not all. It made me really uncomfortable this time, so I decided I needed a change. I also realized with this cycle as well that DBOL is not a good choice for me. My BP went up a good bit and I decided that this would be the last time I would take it.

Tired of being fat, well not fat, but holding too much weight around my gut, I decided to make a change to my diet and see what happens. First off, I was consuming around 4700cals with about 420g of carbs. Way too much. I decided to try something different and go with around 4200 cals, 445g protein, and 280g carbs. Immediately I noticed less lethargy and not such a 'heavy' feeling. I don't like cardio too much (who does), but I will be on a treadmill for minimal amounts a week as well. Also, this week I started the T3 pyramid. I decided to try and do it for three weeks to see what that would do. I have heard good things about this. Also, I could possibly do it a few times a year inside of my cycles. Here it is:

25mcg - 3 days
50mcg - 3 days
75mcg - 3 days
100mcg - 3 days
75mcg - 3 days
50mcg - 3 days
25mcg - 3 days

Then I will just start back over with the 25mcg ED. I like what T3 does at low doses duriing a heavy cycle for protein snythesis and I have never had a problem with my thyroid bouncing back.

I am going to try and just pack on as much quality muscle, which I know will take longer, but I am going to be on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for almost the next year straight so I know I can get there. I am not really concerned with weight so much, but I would like to get to around 245-255 and be around 9-10%. Monsterous!!

So, today will be my first log entry. WIsh me luck!!
Such a dumbass. I totally forgot about this log.

Well, I am right in the middle of my first T3 pyramid. Starting to get super hot, especially at night. Plus, some mild headaches are coming on every now and again, but not unbearable. Haven't noticed much fat coming off yet, but I lowered my carbs some and should start to see a difference. I also started some cardio.

I decided to start the Tren next week and go for 12 weeks to see how I like it. While I am getting all of this food in me, I figure I should take advantage of it.

Haven't checked my weight yet, prolly won't for a while. Don't reallly care now, just trying to get big and lean.
OK, so I have been very tired as of late and I can only attribute it overtraining a bit. I have decided to cut my volume, increase cardio a bit (low intensity) and see what happens. Tren starts next week so we'll see how that does. Also, I have lowered my cals and carbs with high protein to see if that helps.
OK boys, into my sixth week and BAM. Stepped on the scale last night at 239 1/2lbs. Thats almost 12 lbs since the start of this cycle. Prolly mostly water, but 12 lbs nonetheless.

I have about 20 weeks left and I am only 1 week into my Tren. I will hit 250 dammit. LOL
Looks like you're doing something right.....I have almost the same body as you....and doing just about the same cycle ..less the Tren...but 10 yrs older....I am still on my 1st week though....gained 4lbs in 5 days so far......probably water....Keep it up...
I am also on a long cycle like you...so we will see how we end up....
Just switched to Deca for the EQ. Didn't reall ycare for the EQ that much. But I am gaining weight and staying as lean as I was, even after upping my cals a bit. Up 14 lbs so far