6 week Dbol and Test Prop Cycle


New member
Hey guys! I've been keeping a log of my 6 week Dbol and Test P cycle. About halfway in now and thought I would share. I was looking for some help before I began this cycle, and took a long time to research, so maybe it'll help someone in the future. I know there's some absolute animals on here (good work, guys!) and I'm not there yet, but for me, these gains are great to see. I've been a "hardgainer" all my life.
31 y/o male, 17% BF
Lifting 6 days a week for 4 years, took 6 months off recently due to a motorcycle accident. Got back into the gym for about 5 months and started the cycle recently.
I started the Test P late because I only have 10 amps and had to stretch it out to the end of my cycle. Plus I wanted to see how I would react to the Dbol so if I had sides, I would know what to blame.

Weeks 1-2 35mg Dbol ED 10mg in the morning, 15mg right before the gym in afternoon and 10mg before bed.

Weeks 3-6 35mg Dbol ED 10mg in the morning, 15mg right before the gym in afternoon and 10mg before bed.
100mg (2ml) Test Prop EOD usually before the gym. Rotating glutes and delts.

Starting weight – 168
B/F – 17%

Day-1 Noticeable stimulant effects, feels like a low dose of Adderall or a lot of coffee. Effects last about 45 minutes. More energy, but not jittery. I also feel more engaged when around others, and have an overall feeling of general well-being. At the gym, I was able to work out for double the amount of time without getting, bored/demotivated/tired. I actually looked for an exercise to add in at the end. Felt a good pump afterward.

Day-2 Same stimulant effects as above. Going to take the last 10mg earlier in the evening, as they kept me up about an hour later than I usually stay up. Same results in the gym. Noticed a large increase in the amount of water I crave during the day. I am up to a gallon with no problem at all, and usually add a couple bottles if I am working outside and sweating.

Day-3 Noticed a big increase in hunger. I have a fast metabolism, and usually eat every 5 hours in order to stay happy. With Dbol, I can eat whenever I want and still be hungry every 3 hours. Great recovery rate. I worked out hard the past three days and felt half the usual pain. Still struggling to find enough time to eat every 4 hours and hydrate all day, but it’s getting easier.

Day-9 Got my nutrition in check. 3500 calories a day, on average, not including casein protein shakes. (2 a day.) Just starting to notice some gains in the gym. Bench went up 10lbs, power shrugs up 20lbs, Standing military press up 15lbs. Other workouts have increased as well. Still enjoying the fantastic recovery rate. I find myself looking for extra things to do at the gym after my workout. Have to remember to calm down and not overtrain. Noticing a little bit of “puff” from water retention, but not anything too bad. No zits, itchy nips, etc. Patience for little things going wrong is a little shorter. I tend to explode for about 10 seconds, then calm down. Nothing that has affected my daily life. No difference in libido, still working as usual down there. Have to pee A LOT though. Sometimes it’s difficult to sleep if I take my last 10mg after 8pm.

Day-12 Started Test prop, 100mg injections EOD. Using 25g 1inch pins. Making sure to dimple the skin to get deep enough, as well as aspirating to check for blood. Takes some time to inject the thicker fluid, but pain is minimal. Ran pin under warm water to thin out the fluid a bit.

Day-16 Third pin of Test Prop in left glute again. I’ve been rotating glutes to avoid pain in my delts, but will have to pin that muscle next, as PIP is worse after the second pin in the same area. I noticed it helps to pin before the gym and then work out that area. For example, I did squats and a good leg day after this latest pin and I feel like it helped to diffuse the Test and make PIP not as bad. Noticeable pumps in the gym and an even better recoup time. I have to force myself to leave the gym so I don’t overtrain. I just want to stay and keep crushing workouts. Don’t have the crazy pain many people talk about with Test Prop. The PIP hits a day after the pin and only lasts about 30 hours. By the time I need to pin again, it’s gone. It may be worse with ED pins, though. The D-Bol effects are somewhat different as my body has gotten more used to it. No problem sleeping and the stimulant effects are gone. Thought about bumping up to 40mg ED, which I may still do. Eating every 3 hours and never feeling very full.

Day-19 Weighed in at 188.5 today, a roughly 21 pound increase in 19 days. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep a good portion of that. Still adding weight in the gym, but noticed a little hitch in my shoulder, so I’m going to low weight-high rep for the rest of the week to stretch it out and give it time to heal. A couple small zits in between my pecs. Been sweating a lot at work, so I’m not sure if the Dbol is to blame.

Updates next week
terrible cycle. I hope some miracle happens and this actually works in your favor rather than giving you sides. any AI pct?
Hey guys! I've been keeping a log of my 6 week Dbol and Test P cycle. About halfway in now and thought I would share. I was looking for some help before I began this cycle, and took a long time to research, so maybe it'll help someone in the future. I know there's some absolute animals on here (good work, guys!) and I'm not there yet, but for me, these gains are great to see. I've been a "hardgainer" all my life.

Day-19 Weighed in at 188.5 today, a roughly 21 pound increase in 19 days. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep a good portion of that. Still adding weight in the gym, but noticed a little hitch in my shoulder, so I’m going to low weight-high rep for the rest of the week to stretch it out and give it time to heal. A couple small zits in between my pecs. Been sweating a lot at work, so I’m not sure if the Dbol is to blame.

Updates next week

Listen With respect to your inexperience I must share with you..... a 21 lb gain in 19 days is all water. AND if you had done more research you would know that. Your body cannot synthesize all that is needed to build muscle in 19 day.

Fact a man can only gain 15-20 lbs of lean muscle in a year.

Good you are happy but just read up and know what you have. Good luck