600 mg a week of test cypionate cycle ( Posting 2 week progress pics )


New member
View attachment 549411I just want to post this to see and show basic progress of a good diet and good test cyp for everyone using bunk gear. I have been training for 14 years. and am starting this cycle after a hard crash due to getting bs test the last 5 weeks of my cycle from a source and not getting PCT in time. I lost 14 lbs in 6 weeks went from 224 to 210 and am now stable at 210 and my balls came back on their own luckily. So basically I went cold turkey for 6 weeks sucked I felt tired and frustrated. Which Im up 10lbs from this time last year solid still sucks though.

So I just did my first first pin Wed 3/13 and doing 300 mgs 2 x per wk. This pic is my starting point @ 210 now.
I just hope this is helpful everyones training and diet varies.. I will try to add the basics of my diet while running this. I will add Var and Tren shortly.. also possibly. Will post when I do.

P.s please save all the you should have had PCT in place before hand I know .. I know .. ship happens sometimes. Not like I planned it.
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That true I'm glad to be up and holding at 210 .. just got my clomid today so thats taken care of for the end waiting on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) .. 1 wk and 2 - 300 mg shots and Im up 4 lbs was 214 atthe gym today on the scale. I was suprised as my diet hasn't changed and weight has been steady at 210 for 4-5 weeks .Im not eating excesively high calories right now as I'm not trying to bulk right now just put on more lean gains for summer and reduce bodyfat. Just keeping protein at 250-300 gms per day. I will post another pic in on the weekend probally wont be too noticable but we will see.

Note to self and others try to get all your post cycle therapy (pct) ahead of time way easier than scrambling...
3/16 pinned 300 mgs on 3/18 was up 4 lbs 214 on the gym tripple weight scale . 3/20 am just pinned 300 mgs weight 215 mind u it was at 530 pm after eating my daily means thus far. and trained legs and aggression is increasing had a kick ass leg work out only went to 24 - 45's on the leg press could have went higher but I think Ill regret going that far in the morning legs are fatigue right now. So far so good . No complaints. Pretty pumped I'm hoping Ill hit 230 and be lean still by the end of my 12-16 week cycle. 15 more lbs
Pretty stable unless im 10 beers , 5 shots and a glass of wine deep into my night .. then ive been known to rip off a door or too .

Honestly I get a bit more aggitated driving .. but not too bad. you have to learn to channel the aggression in different areas or it can get the best of ya.

also just pinned another 300 mg on 3/27/13 no real changes this week ..
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