6mdrol or osta with hdrol


New member
I have some hdrol (5 weeks worth), a bottle of osta and a bottle of 6-mdrol
What do you think my best stacking option is?
6mdrol with h drol and than use osta in post cycle therapy (pct). if u "load" the osta the last wk of the cycle your strength should stay pretty much the same.

Get a serm a solid T boosters for your pct and your gtg
6mdrol with h drol and than use osta in post cycle therapy (pct). if u "load" the osta the last wk of the cycle your strength should stay pretty much the same.

Get a serm a solid T boosters for your pct and your gtg

Would all 3 be to much?
I could run the osta at 25mg for 6 weeks and then very low dose through post cycle therapy (pct). or I could just use 20mg for 6 weeks and would have enough for another cycle later
I've got a couple of test boosters and will be ordering some torem
running the ph stack and than the osta into pct will be much better overall. you cant build large and large amounts of in short amounts of time.

run the 6m drol for 4wks, start the h drol into the 2nd wk of it so you can be on the ph's for 6 total wks. than during the 6th wk of cycle start the osta for 6wks. I would stay on t boosters the entire time of the osta, but the point here is your essentially having a 12wk run. which is going to allow for way way better gains.

so your stretching the 6wk blast into 12wks. see the point.....??
running the ph stack and than the osta into pct will be much better overall. you cant build large and large amounts of in short amounts of time.

run the 6m drol for 4wks, start the h drol into the 2nd wk of it so you can be on the ph's for 6 total wks. than during the 6th wk of cycle start the osta for 6wks. I would stay on t boosters the entire time of the osta, but the point here is your essentially having a 12wk run. which is going to allow for way way better gains.

so your stretching the 6wk blast into 12wks. see the point.....??

I see what your saying. And sounds ideal. I might note that for the future. If only I had more time though. I've got a max of 8 weeks to run the cycle not including pct
I could structure the cycle like this:
1-4 6mdrol 100mg
3-8 hdrol 75mg
But how about the osta?
running the osta in conjunction with aas or ph's is not the optimal use... there is receptor competition and although they will still show benefit, its much better to save sarms for a bridge in between cycles... i would run the helladrol and 6mdrol for six weeks, then run pct WITH osta included and after pct run a sarms triple stack as a bridge in between cycles leading up to your next cycle... here is what pct and the sarms triple stack would look like...

pct 7-10

clomid 50/50/25/25 AG-guys.com
nolva 40/20/20/20 AG-guys.com
unleahsed/post cycle combo ntbm.com
aromasin 12.5 mg eod AG-guys.com


ostarine 25 mg day uniquemicals.com

Phytoserms and HCGenerate
can be used in place of the Unleashed/post cycle combo if they are out of stock



1-8 osta 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-8 s4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-8 gw 10-20 mg day... split doses 12 hours apart
1-8 hcgenerate ntbm.com
1-8 d-spark ntbm.com
3-8 albuterol 12-18 mg day ag-guys.com

mini pct 9-12

Hcgenerate ES ntbm.com

you can buy the COMPLETE SARMS support stack here... Support Stack