8 weeks into cutting cycle

you need to use a better camrea, but from what i can see just a couple more % of fat and you will look golden
thanks alfa, The other pics I took were to big to post. Ive done one cycle a year for 3 years now. started out at 155lbs 6' tall now staying lean at around 190lbs. made good quality gains never really lost much. hope to stay in the 195 range even at lower bf% we will see! I'll post some progree pics.
Lookin' good man...I wanna get big and lean like you. Traps are real thick, good lat development it looks like and delts are good. Let's see them wheels :] Keep up the good work!!
thenextbgthing83 said:
you look good man! i have seen a huge improvement in your build in the last couple years! erik
What's up big man. Thanks for the reply. Working hard man. I've gotta hit hte wheels my legs need alot more work. This knee injury is 1 year old now... really fucking up my routine. Good hearing from ya
running tren 100mg eod 1-10
prop eod 4-8
Winstrol (winny) 50mg ed 6-10
also just started t-3 & clen we'll see. I wanna look hard this summer. tren is the shit nothing else like it imo.