a few questions on sustanon and deca


New member
hi everyone, i just recieved some sustanon 250 8 ml left out of a 10 ml vial and some nandrolone decanoate (DECA) two 2ml vials and one more vial that is half full. I got these from a riend who has stopped juicing due to his wife finding out and he had to give them up. Now my question is, is this worth taking due to the supply? and if so should i stack them together?/// I am new to steroids, i usually take a supplement called m-drol and use novadex as a pct and i also take liver care during cycle. Right now i am on my 3rd week of m-drol with one week left and i was planning on start taking the deca and sustanon stacked in one injection together once a week, about 1cc of each. Should i not do this or go about it in a diff way. Also the deca has a exp. date on 07/09 which is this month. And a few things about me/ i am 21 years old 5'6/ 160 pounds and i go to the gym 5 days a week for about 2 hours each time. any help would be appreciated
you should do two mill in one go for 10 or 12 weeks...shoot it once a week..

8 weeks at 350 mg is no good..anyway your need two to four weeks more suss....your need to get more decca and it needs to stoped two weeks befor the suss..so if you was doin a 12 weeker you would stop the decca at week 10....

may help..