A Forgotton Mass Builder, Squats!!!


New member
The actual training time spent in the gym with the weights is crucial to a bodybuilders success. This does not include any time spent at the soda bar with a goddamned Root Beer Float. In this time of training you need to be committed and clear about your goals.

Whether it is to add mass, size, bulk, fat, whatever. When leg day comes around and it will just like Monday's then you need to be spending time at the squat rack. In a minute I am going to take all the shots at the disco bodybuilders but first we must be clear about squatting.

In your training schedule when leg day comes be mentally and physically prepared. I have known persons that trained hard but somewhere along the line they left off doing squats which are fundamental to leg training. Some of these persons were seasoned bodybuilders that have dropped any squats from their programs.

Then there is always a long laundry list to support not squatting. You know what they are the bills are due, oh! I am so depressed, the first skirt that was willing to stoop to get in bed with you has gone off with the disco bodybuilder. If you think like this you better take a close look at what sport you are in. Yes, I am on my own ass because I have been doing it as well. A friend of mine and also Mr. Zane hasn't done squats for twenty five or thirty years. I know others that train hard say "well I have a foundation so legs can be managed by leg curls, extensions and some aerobics, bullshit!" One rationalization you commonly hear is "I am getting older and I don't want any injuries, with that attitude you could fit right in with the disco bodybuilders. Squatting is an exercise that not only builds your legs it works the entire body. It covers the whole package. I don't know of any real successful bodybuilders that have not squatted. You may I don't because I am no expert. I know from witnessing it firsthand that loading the weight on your shoulders will point you in the direction you want to go. In my opinion there would not be many good excuses for not having squats as part of your leg routine unless you are physically unable to do so.

I would like to add one thing about the technique. When you load 315 on your shoulders you must scrape your ass across the floor before ascending back to the start position. I tried to establish that squatting is rudimentary to adding mass to your legs.

Now we have to deal with the infamous disco bodybuilders and I have been called one before. I assure you I am not at heart one. I have had them as training partners and they will only slow you down. Yesterday, I made a commitment to give it all I have on leg day. At this time I posted a comment to someones thread on the topic of mass building. Here is a couple of the comments that I made "heavy training with squats puts the beef on your legs. At my home gym we had a few of the disco bodybuilders and they had a few things in common. The disco bodybuilders had big arms and no legs. They looked like Storks or John Travolta. These guys trained arms but not legs. Needles to say their legs like the Stork would resemble a toothpick." And yes they are to lazy to show up on leg day.

This is a fail proof way to find out if your training partner is a disco bodybuilder. It never fails On leg day they can be found at Mayberry's eating ice cream and hotdogs. I am committed to the notion that squatting will make your legs grow.

We have talked about squats for adding mass and even the technique for performing squats. I would guess that some of the twenty year olds have not seen a bodybuilder doing front squats. Because most people are running from the traditional method of doing squats, so they sure as hell have forgotten about front squats. Pull out your old Muscle & Fitness Books and you will see Arnold and Corney or Columbo doing front squats. So, if you are serious and a real man you want be above doing old fashioned front squats either. Yes, they hurt like hell and it is not fun and sometimes you might have to puke but we are talking about blood and guts. This is the nuts and bolts. If you don't like it take up golfing or bird watching. If you are not willing to suffer pain, then your legs will lag behind.

And if you are not willing to pay the price and walk that isle to the squat rack, then do not throw your hard earned money away, especially on some fancy gym and equipment with a yogurt bar. It want give you a great physique. Because saying I spent three hours in the gym and two or more was at the bar trying to peek over to see the tenders ass is not training seriously. You cannot call that training time that was time you pissed away. That tender doesn't give a damn about you just the tips. If you get in there and build those tree stumps you might find that one day she slips you her phone number. In my training philosophy squatting is elementary to the bodybuilders program.

Lastly, if your training partner is a disco bodybuilder and he dances and prances around like he is the cock of the walk and on leg day his not around, then fire his ass you are better off without him. Have the balls to put his ass on the road.

I hope I don't offend anybody about the disco bodybuilders, because there is one more thing, that must be brought to light.

Do not bring sugar britches to the gym with you on the day you are training legs.

I can already see this. There you are trying to do squats and she is flirting, batting her eyes and twirling her hair. You can't work fucking legs when all you see is sticking your tongue up her dirty, filthy asshole. You do that after the workout. Have her meet you somewhere after the leg workout and don't bring her to the gym. This is what you should say to yourself as well "I think squatting is foundational. I am going to squat if it kills me. Also, I want give myself any excuses not to."

I think if you do them regularly and do not skip your leg workouts, then you are on your way to where you want to be. Please do not set your goals to be like a damn disco bodybuilder stay the hell way from them. When they are all together at the disco on Saturday night trying to hide those toothpick legs take this as gospel from experience they are all going home alone. If they getting anything it is because they are hitting each other in the seat. You train your legs and come in late to the club then position yourself in a lighted area where you can be seen and the women will come and you want have to stand over there in the shadows like the damned disco bodybuilders because you are ashamed of your legs. What I have said is in great part speaking to myself yet trying to keep a sense of humor. Truthfully, it is not a laughing matter because you must do squats to add the mass you want to your legs.

And yes! it is helpful to add a good stack to your program and if you stick yourself like a goddamned Voodoo Doll it will help. Though I want to see you add mass to your legs when you are off the gear if you are ever off!
thanks man, it is really just a spoof i put together on it to be funny but it is true. I put the ice man the hit man in the botom to back it up.
Squats are overrated in my opinion as a quadricep builder. For me, I get more Glute work than Quads out of them even in variations(front squat/wide stance/narrow stance/heels elevated etc.). For me, the Leg Press is a better exercise from a bodybuilding standpoint. It is a compound movement as well, but the element of balance is taken out, which allows you(or me I should say) to focus more on the lift, rather than not falling over. It also makes forcing repetitons more condusive, again, because the balance factor associated with squatting heavy is taken out of the equation. I use LPs as my main mass builder, then sissies, then lunges, then extensions.

For powerlifting though, of course, squats are manditory. My point of view if from a BBing perspective, and moreso judging the squat as a quadricep building movement.
Mr. Zane still does a squat movement. However, he uses his Leg Blaster device that takes the weight off his spine and lowers the center of gravity to reduce back injuries. It does tend to isolate the front of the leg more. I have spoken to Mr. Zane about squating and leg development and he will be the first to tell you that squats are a must.

I tend to agree with SkedMeds about squats not isolating the quads well. But squats (IMHO)are for the entire leg not just the quads.


i myself had once been a chicken legs stork until i could no longer stand my girlfriends comments teasing me about my stick legs . WHAT HELPED? the teasing turned into motivation and i threw myself into a power rack hitting the front and rear barbell squats . i also used and still use the leg press . NOW MY LEGS ARE MY BIGGEST AND BEST BODYPART AND NOW I CAN SMILE FROM EAR TO EAR AS SHE TELLS ME AS SHE STROKES MY THIGHS WHAT A REAL MANLY MAN / STUD I TRUELY AM , HEHEHE!!!
It is one exercise that will put wight and mass on you like any aas's but the key is doing them correctly....
i agree with skedz from a bodybuilder point of view.

i love squats, do deads directly after and your done for that day
house1 said:
i agree with skedz from a bodybuilder point of view.

i love squats, do deads directly after and your done for that day
so all you do are (example) squats and stiff-deads bro. ? thats its ? how many sets ?