a full run down


New member
ok a little new to the board and i was wondering if i could get some help with a complete start to finish conversion for anadrol 75
this is everything from the math to the amount of powder to the solution and peg, i mean everything
also asll the supplies i would need to do this
and just so you know i want to make a liquid anadrol 75 not a tab or cap
and just so no questions are asked i want a 75mg/50ml conversion
as for getting everything needed to do this i need know help with that because for me to ask a member is just plain stupid
so i am not asking for a source, i don't need one
last thing this is for my use only not looking to make a ton of stuff
, just enough for 2 or 3 people so maybe 300ml so if you are good with the math this is all i need
now the most important thing so no one thinks i am a complete jack ass
i went about asking for this several other ways and was told from a well respected member that i will not mention, (thats just the way i am) but this is how he told me to handle this
just post what i want to know and everyone who knows will help
so thanks and i look foward to first and for most learning how to do a conversion the right way
stg said:
and just so you know
...i want to make a liquid anadrol 75 not a tab or cap
That's too bad that you aren't willing to cap it.

I recommend that you put it in olive oil to make a suspension if you want it in liquid form.

  1. Add powder
  2. Add oil until 50mL mark
  3. Share before use
Oil is virtually tasteless and makes a great suspension because it's thick and the powder wont settle fast after shaking.
so can u do this with letro, aromasin ect.? also all u do is add powder to oil, you dont have to account for the powder volume. for example i can add 5 grams of dbol powder to 100ml of oil and end up with 50mg an ml?
ok why do you prefer to cap it intstead of putting into a liquid
i mean it is easier to have caps but i have no worries of having bottles around

you gave a very simple way of putting it together now is it really that simple
to put powder,oil and share :)
how much powder how much oil and do i need a carrier or a peg
what will hold it from crashing
look i really want to learn this so please a more serious answer is needed no
simpllyhuge said:
so can u do this with letro, aromasin ect.? also all u do is add powder to oil, you dont have to account for the powder volume. for example i can add 5 grams of dbol powder to 100ml of oil and end up with 50mg an ml?

Letro is very low mg/ml, so i wouldnt trust making a suspension. Yes you do have to account for the powder volume too. 100ml of dbol at 50mg/ml would be 5 g dbol, and 96.25ml oil

You can use this to figure it out: http://absinth.greatnow.com/calcpowder2.html

Just make sure you put the ba and bb at zero.
stg said:
ok why do you prefer to cap it intstead of putting into a liquid
i mean it is easier to have caps but i have no worries of having bottles around

you gave a very simple way of putting it together now is it really that simple
to put powder,oil and share :)
how much powder how much oil and do i need a carrier or a peg
what will hold it from crashing
look i really want to learn this so please a more serious answer is needed no
What will prevent it from crashing? Nothing. It is a suspension, which means it will crash. That's why you need to shake it before use.

Suspensions crash, solutions don't.

For many things, it is easier to just do a suspension than it is to go through all the bullshit trying to get a solution. Avoid using PEG whenever possible.

Capping is what many of us do. One benefit of capping is that you don't have any problems with bad taste.
so if i want to make say 300ml at 75 mg/ml how much powder do i need
and how much oil and what is the best oil

one more thing by suspension you mean everythime i want to use it i will have to shake the bottle because it will settle
and if i am not worried about the taste what do you suggest for that

what i am looking for is the basic instructions on how to make my own anadrol
which is what i should have said from the begining. what do i need and how do i out everything together
i would prefer to make a solution but if you say a suspension is better then i am fine with that
simpllyhuge said:
when you put something in vodka, is that a solution?
Depends if what you put into it goes into solution or suspension or worse.

I have Arimidex in EC; a very nice solution.
I have isotretinoin in Bacardi 151; a very nice suspension with a very nasty taste
stg said:
so if i want to make say 300ml at 75 mg/ml how much powder do i need
and how much oil and what is the best oil
300*75mg=22,500mg (22.5g)

Simple math. My daughter in elementary school could have figured this one out.
ec is everclear this i know and sorry if seem not as smart as a elementary
kid but this is of course why i am asking all these question
its because i don't know...........simple enough

look i don't want to get into it with how smart i am with someone i just want someone to tell me everything i need in order to do this. this includes the math and the supplies need

last thing i dont care about taste so a solution to me is fine and this may be a stupid question but why should i worry about taste if i am going to inject it
or ami not supposed to inject liquid anadrol
stg said:
ec is everclear this i know and sorry if seem not as smart as a elementary
kid but this is of course why i am asking all these question
its because i don't know...........simple enough

look i don't want to get into it with how smart i am with someone i just want someone to tell me everything i need in order to do this. this includes the math and the supplies need
My point wasn't to insult you, but to point out that it is very simple. You need to understand the math or you are never going to get this kind of stuff right.

stg said:
last thing i dont care about taste so a solution to me is fine and this may be a stupid question but why should i worry about taste if i am going to inject it
or ami not supposed to inject liquid anadrol
No good reason to inject it and if you were to inject it, then that would make things more complicated. What we are discussing here is doing this for oral use.
ok i sort of get the math you multiply the amount you want by the mg and this gives you the amount of powder needed
do i understand this right

so if its just mixing it together what do i need to do this
if i have the powder and oil do i mix it in something big enough to hold the total amount i want or mix it in several smaller batches

now what oil should i use and if taste is a issue what do you recomend
and if i am not going to inject it how do i take it, in the syringe with out the pin on it or with a dropper type bottle
a syringe with or with out the pin, just shoot it in your mouth. i think your gonna have to use alittle less oil to account for the volume of the powder, not sure how to do this thou.