A little damage control help...


New member
I am completely stupid so no flames on the ignorance of my blunder but I thought I would go ahead and ask if all is lost....well on second thought I can handle the flames as long as it comes with good news....

OK....I always heat up my hormonal mixture in order to ease the filtering process...this time I thought I would just toss it in the microwave for a few seconds....without thinking twice about it I left a needle in the stopper to vent just like I would have if I was doing in in the oven....BAM...sparks fly in like two seconds....whole batch turns brown and smells toasted....I filter it but still smells toasty and is still discolored....

Is it completely ruined or is there some way I can salvage it....
Turned brown and smells toasted? i would say you ruined it. I would throw it out and chalk it up as a loss, not worth injecting it. Everyone makes mistakes, and these powders arent so expensive where it's that much of a big deal. Mix up another batch.

NYCEE said:
Turned brown and smells toasted? i would say you ruined it. I would throw it out and chalk it up as a loss, not worth injecting it. Everyone makes mistakes, and these powders arent so expensive where it's that much of a big deal. Mix up another batch.


Yeah that's what I figured...replacement batch already taken care of...I just kept the old batch just in case...
I would take that old batch and write it down as a loss.

Powders are cheap and I don't think I would want to inject that stuff.