A Newly Posted Thread about Short Cycles - Ideas?

Revelation Genetics

Limitless Potential - Pro

How goes it everyone? I hope you guys are having a good night tonight but, I was hoping for some cycle help after reading an article, or a thread rather. A very good post it was, "" http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...29773-short-cycles-good-gains-less-sides.html "

In the thread he speaks about a...
Test Propionate + Tren Ace + Dianabol Cycle and how well they stacked together.

I've ran a few cycles myself, used to high doses, 1000+ range and more for TEST. What do you think the difference in gains/results would be if instead of running a :Test Prop/Dianabol Cycle: vs A :Test Prop/Tren A/Dianabol Cycle:

I am looking for an answer as to whether or not you guys think it would drastically change the effects of the cycle, the results between going one route or another route and what the difference would be between running the two cycles vs one another. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I NEVER HAVE USED TREN. I WOULD HOWEVER LOVE TO TRY AND USE IT AT SOME POINT, WHY WAIT A WHOLE CYCLE TO TRY IT NEXT GO AROUND, MIGHT AS WELL BE THIS TIME RATHER THAN ANY OTHER.

I have considered running Tren this cycle, but I wasn't convinced it would make much more of a difference between the Test P & DBol. I'm sure it may have it's results like me not gaining what I could if only I would add a little Tren in there. I have heard AMAZING things about tren, as far as results.

Comon guys, this would really clear up a lot. You can only read that it is one of the most powerful steroids on the market so many times, other than having first hand experience with it to make a determination, if I had that first hand experience I wouldn't be making this thread and I would know how drastically different if at all drastically different it would be than just the pretty basic cycle I have already laid out for myself to run.

[ADD IN]: I can say first hand that I know a Test and DBol cycle is all one really needs, it usually does quite the trick, yes! Especially Test Prop being a short ester and kicking in so powerfully and so quickly. Keep in mind though that I would love to experiment with the Tren, I just would like to know what I will be dealing with as far as results and gains in comparison (I already know the sides and all that jargon).
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Tren ace for 8-10 weeks tren e for 14-16 weeks. Anything less is dumb, unless you are blast and cruise. In theory... a blast could be 4 weeks of an oral etc etc

I liked the thread BUT my goal and idea is not to run short cycles or a short cycle, it actually just gave me the idea of runnign Tren Ace. Definitely would be at least 8-10. Preferably 10 but possibly 8 just because. Any word on the differences between the results from a 1-8(-10) week'er w/ [[ Test P & Tren A (1-8(-10))- & DBol (1-6) ... vs Test P (1-8(-10)) - Dbol(1-6) ]]
I liked the thread BUT my goal and idea is not to run short cycles or a short cycle, it actually just gave me the idea of runnign Tren Ace. Definitely would be at least 8-10. Preferably 10 but possibly 8 just because. Any word on the differences between the results from a 1-8(-10) week'er w/ [[ Test P & Tren A (1-8(-10))- & DBol (1-6) ... vs Test P (1-8(-10)) - Dbol(1-6) ]]

Assuming the same dosages of test and dbol, the cycle with tren should have better results. Tren is a very potent androgen and is great at nutrient partitioning which makes it great for both bulking and cutting. If you have the resources to add tren and are ready to accept the potential side effects, I'd say there isn't much reason not to add it.