Full Information on Accutane.


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Isotretinoin (the generic name for accutane) is used to treat the most severe and disfiguring cases of nodular acne. Most Doctors would only recommend this treatment only after all other forms of acne medication have been tried and proved unsuccessful. Read more on Accutane at

Accutane Info: Learn about Accutane, its dangerous side effects and the alternative treatments available. Information on the development, history and legacy of accutane. Read more on development, history and legacy of accutane.

Accutane Information and History
I've been off that shit for over 10 years now and i'm still struggling with bad side effects from it, mostly musculoskeletal. My skin also looks worse than before i took it - very dry, red and thin! Taking accutane was the worst mistake i ever made and i'm still paying the price for that mistake!
DougoeFre5h said:
Id have to express the exact opposite. I thank the chemical gods everyday for accutane. Zero sides and acne free for years now.

You're lucky dude. How long did you take it for? I think I probably took it too long & my skin was never bad to begin with. I've now got a whole bunch of medical problems which I'm sure were caused by 'tane. The most severe ones effected my bones, joints, tendons and muscles. I used to be a competitive runner, but since taking 'tane i haven't been able to run without a lot of pain for 10 years!
DougoeFre5h said:
Id have to express the exact opposite. I thank the chemical gods everyday for accutane. Zero sides and acne free for years now.
Accutane gets a bad rap because DOCTORS prescribe the DOSE that's TOO HIGH. That's where the side effects come in. You can take 20mg Every Day for 6 months and get results with almost no side effects. For some dumb reason they think putting people on 120mg per day is better.

It's like having a user use 4 grams of testosterone per week instead of 400mg per week and THEN saying that STEROIDS WILL KILL YOU.

Dont forget, that doctors are just regular people, they are no smarter than you are. You'll find an answer on the internet before your family doctor will have any clue at all.

Physicians prescribed and still do prescribe dosages ~1mg/kg/day because that's what the study data indicated was most effective in the long run.

Of course, I think it was last year that showed 20mg to be very effective.

20mg or 100mg/day, I'm very thankful for Accutane.

My physician prescribed cycle 10 years ago and my own cycle last year were traditional cycles, but right now I'm taking a ~45mg pill every few days and having good success at keeping the acne under control as I continue to increase my testosterone.
AussieThunder said:
I've now got a whole bunch of medical problems which I'm sure were caused by 'tane.
We certainly can't rule Accutane out as the cause of all of this, but we can't say for certain that Accutane was the cause either.

Sorry for your poor experience. If your acne wasn't bad, then your physician shouldn't have prescribed it, this is true.

I on the other hand would have been thankful if my dermatologist had prescribed it years prior to when he finally gave in.