Active Ingredient Weight % Per Ester


Not a Newbie
Hey guys,
This info was actually provided by a member of another forum. I found it to be so interesting because I'm always hearing about how there's less active ingredient in longer esters. So, when I saw this really hammered it home for me. Hopefully some of you find it equally as interesting:

Ester weights

Milligrams below are the estimated amount of active hormone per 100mg of hormone and ester.

Boldenone base: 100mg
Boldenone acetate: 83mg
Boldenone Propionate: 80mg
Boldenone Cypionate: 69mg
Boldenone Undecylenate: 61mg

Clostebol Base: 100mg
Clostebol Acetate: 84mg
Clostebol Enanthate: 72mg

Drostanolone Base: 100mg
Drostanolone Propionate: 80mg
Drostanolone Enanthate: 71mg

Methenolone Base: 100mg
Methenolone Acetate: 82mg
Methenolone Enanthate: 71mg

Nandrolone Base: 100mg
Nandrolone Cypionate: 69mg
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate: 63mg
Nandrolone Decanoate: 62mg
Nandrolone Undecylenate: 60mg
Nandrolone Laurate: 56mg

Stenbolone Base: 100mg
Stenbolone Acetate: 84mg

Testosterone Base: 100mg
Testosterone Acetate: 83mg
Testosterone Propionate: 80mg
Testosterone Isocaproate: 72mg
Testosterone Enanthate: 70mg
Testosterone Cypionate: 69mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate: 76mg
Testosterone Decanoate: 62mg
Testosterone Undecanoate: 61mg

Trenbolone Base: 100mg
Trenbolone Crystal 93mg
Trenbolone Acetate: 83mg
Trenbolone Enanthate: 68mg
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzyl Carbonate: 65mg*
Trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate: 65mg*
In a perfect world, there should be no difference. We all know better though. Those who have done both will attest that there's no comparing UGL to Pharm grade. The chart above shows what should be the % of active ingredient if blended correctly with each particular ester. So, when you here people say they prefer propionate over ethanate because they are getting more test per CC/mL, this chart shows you exactly what they mean!! :wink2:
In a perfect world, there should be no difference. We all know better though. Those who have done both will attest that there's no comparing UGL to Pharm grade. The chart above shows what should be the % of active ingredient if blended correctly with each particular ester. So, when you here people say they prefer propionate over ethanate because they are getting more test per CC/mL, this chart shows you exactly what they mean!! :wink2:

Yeah, for my first cycle I am doing some prop, not cyp or enan. This is interesting info though, I didn't ever expect this.
these figures are all pretty much spot on.

example... test base Molecular Weight is 288.429 and test enanthate Molecular Weight is 412.6112

412 - 288 = 124. so thats the enanthate ester weight.

412 / 100 x 30 = 123.6 so the enanthate ester is 30% of the total weight. as the above post states 100mg of testosterone enanthate is equal to 70mg of test.

just thought id throw that out there in case people were wondering if these numbers came out of the sky.
these figures are all pretty much spot on.

example... test base Molecular Weight is 288.429 and test enanthate Molecular Weight is 412.6112

412 - 288 = 124. so thats the enanthate ester weight.

412 / 100 x 30 = 123.6 so the enanthate ester is 30% of the total weight. as the above post states 100mg of testosterone enanthate is equal to 70mg of test.

just thought id throw that out there in case people were wondering if these numbers came out of the sky.

Hey bro..sweet and thanks for the extra info. Always welcomed!!!