Adding NPP mid early-mid cycle


New member
Hey guys,

Currently on day 13 of 250mg test c e3d, 40mg dbol ed, and .5 adex eod. Have no sides other than a small bit of bloat from the dbol. However, my joints have been sore as shit. I train 5 days a week with high volume and moderate weight primarily, however i try to incorporate atleast one heavy lift in each session. I was thinking about throwing in a small dose of NPP eod. Any thoughts on that? Ill be running dbol to week 4 and test for 12 weeks... I wont be able to get the NPP for another 2 weeks. Will be running standard clomid/nolva for pct.

my stats are:
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 207lbs
BF%: 14
Training experience: 6 years.
2nd cycle after 3 years off.

Any and all input is appreciated.
It appears you jinxed me Megatron... lol jk but seriously, today i woke up and my right nipple is slightly sore. Hard to tell if a lump is forming yet.
Lol this is true. I know I'm gyno prone which is why i dosed my adex as such. My first cycle i developed gyno after PCT was finished... took me months to get rid of it.

If you know you are prone to get gyno, why not run Raloxifene or Tamoxifen the whole cycle as an "insurance policy"?
If you know you are prone to get gyno, why not run Raloxifene or Tamoxifen the whole cycle as an "insurance policy"?

Right now im running the adex at 1mg ED. Would you recommend cutting my dose in half or go back to .5 eod and just running tamoxifen at 20mg ED? or 40 until sides subside then ride out on 20?
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Right now im running the adex at 1mg ED. Would you recommend cutting my dose in half or go back to .5 eod and just running tamoxifen at 20mg ED? or 40 until sides subside then ride out on 20?

I would never tell a male to run that much adex. That is an insane dose unless you have 300 pounds of body fat. Is this your first cycle? A more typical adex dose is something like .25mg EOD up to .25mg daily.

And yes, the latter would be a good Tamoxifen plan.
I would never tell a male to run that much adex. That is an insane dose unless you have 300 pounds of body fat. Is this your first cycle? A more typical adex dose is something like .25mg EOD up to .25mg daily.

And yes, the latter would be a good Tamoxifen plan.

I was able to get an estradiol test... Estradiol is 23 so its within range. Im back to adex .25 eod and running nolva 40mg ED. I developed a pretty nice lump on the right side of my nipple although its pretty small. I also dropped the dbol 4 days ago but i would like to get back on it if I can however I would probably run it at 30mg instead of 40, what do you think? I also was able to get a liver test... All levels were in range except for alkaline phosphate which was very low (31 if I recall) luckily I'm pretty good friends with one of the surgeons I work with who i also used to lift with so were trying to keep it off the radar. ALT and AST were on the high side of the range but still within limits. This is my second cycle. My first cycle I had 0 issues controlling estrogen until after PCT (used adex .25mg eod throughout the cycle). Thanks for all your input megatron.
I was able to get an estradiol test... Estradiol is 23 so its within range. Im back to adex .25 eod and running nolva 40mg ED. I developed a pretty nice lump on the right side of my nipple although its pretty small. I also dropped the dbol 4 days ago but i would like to get back on it if I can however I would probably run it at 30mg instead of 40, what do you think? I also was able to get a liver test... All levels were in range except for alkaline phosphate which was very low (31 if I recall) luckily I'm pretty good friends with one of the surgeons I work with who i also used to lift with so were trying to keep it off the radar. ALT and AST were on the high side of the range but still within limits. This is my second cycle. My first cycle I had 0 issues controlling estrogen until after PCT (used adex .25mg eod throughout the cycle). Thanks for all your input megatron.

Hope all goes well keep us posted!