Adding Winstrol to my new cycle


New member
Hey guys I been doing AAS for about 4 years now about 2 cycles a year but, i always do the same cycle this time i decided to add Winstrol. I never done Winstrol can someone tell me if doing Winstrol at the end of the cycle makes sense. Thanks
39 yrs 6' 210 lbs

1-5 Week Dball 40mg E/D
1-14 Week Deca 250mgs 2xWeek
1-16 Week Test E 500mgs 2xWeek
1-16 Week Arix. .5mgs E.O.D
13-16 Week Winstrol 50mgs
1-16 Weeks Cycle Support 2x2 E/D

1 Week Clomid 100mgs Nolva 20mg
2 Week Clomid 50mgs Nolca 20mg
3 Week Clomid 25mgs. Nolva 20mgs
3 Week Clomid 25mgs Nolva 20mgs
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Hey guys I been doing AAS for about 4 years now about 2 cycles a year but, i always do the same cycle this time i decided to add Winstrol. I never done Winstrol can someone tell me if doing Winstrol at the end of the cycle makes sense. Thanks
39 yrs 6' 210 lbs

Hi and welcome the the board :wavey.

Yes Winstrol is used mostly at the end of a cycle. You should read up on the Winstrol profile on here and on Google with Steroids . com and their write up on Profiles. You also should understand what a 19 nor compound is and it's attributes.

I have used it many time AT THE ENDING of a cycle to help my vascularity and hardness of my mass. Mostly it is used by Competitors at the end of the cycle and all through the contest. In layman's terms it is called a hardener and it helps attain a more dry look when used appropriately with dieting and training.

3 weeks is not enough time to get much out of it and you should think of using it for 4,5 weeks min.

I will say that if you plan a kicker of Dbol and are using Deca, if you want to use the Winstrol for it's purpose you should add more time to your cycle.
Look into it more for your understanding, Good luck
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