Advance Cycle need some Help


Hi everybody,

age 29
height 6f
weight 210

I need some feedback on my advance cycle
1: Test E week 1 to 8: 250 mg eod
2: Test P Week 9 to 16: 200mg eod
3: Equi week 1 to 8: 200mg eod
3: tren week 9 to 16: 100mg eod
4: wini week 9 to 14/16: 50mg ed then 14 to 16 100mg ed
5: HGH week 1 to 15: iu ed
6: A1 week 1 to 16 1mg eod

hcg: week 1 to 2 1000 iu ed
NOlva : week 2 to 6 40/40/40/20/20
Clen: week 1 to 2 40mcg ed
cytomel: week 1 to 2 25 mcg ed

Questions ?
goal lean build loose some skin fat increase muscle size
First time adding hgh
what is best time to take hgh
Too short of a run for hgh. Plan on atleast 6 months minimum. Eq is usually ran for twice as long as u got posted. Kinda confused about your pct. I would run hcg during the whole cycle and stop it before pct. U plan on getting a dopamine antagonist? Have u ever used winny before???
Too short of a run for hgh. Plan on atleast 6 months minimum. Eq is usually ran for twice as long as u got posted. Kinda confused about your pct. I would run hcg during the whole cycle and stop it before pct. U plan on getting a dopamine antagonist? Have u ever used winny before???

Bro Tbonexl,

Thank you for your reply you yes i have done some wini cycles should i use hcg during the cycle ok

waiting for some more suggestions ......
hey abshaz,
I would defietly run EQ all the way through the cycle. 600-800mg/week is ideal. Personally, I think the best combo is test, eq, and tren. You'll get a completely different look off of those compounds. As far as the growth goes, you need to stay on. I would start with no more than 3iu/day and see how you respond and then slowly go up. I like 5iu/day monday-friday (that would be 1 kit a month)

I recommend (if you really want to switch up E and prop)
week 1-8 Test E 750mg-1000mg/week
week9-16 Test P 100mg/ED (I just like keeping it as stable as possible)
week 9-16 tren ace 100mg/EOD or 50/mg ED (depending on if you do ED or EOD prop )
week 1-16 EQ 600mg/Week
GH- that is going to be on how deep your pockets are..3iu daily or 5iu m-f

I would stay away from the clen, if you eat moderately/somewhat clean on gh and tren you'll be shredded.

GH- first thing upon waking, post workout, right before bed. I would only do all three of those, if you are doing 5+ units a day.
I would say 2.5iu as soon as you wake up, and 2.5 iu right before you get in bed.
hey abshaz,
I would defietly run EQ all the way through the cycle. 600-800mg/week is ideal. Personally, I think the best combo is test, eq, and tren. You'll get a completely different look off of those compounds. As far as the growth goes, you need to stay on. I would start with no more than 3iu/day and see how you respond and then slowly go up. I like 5iu/day monday-friday (that would be 1 kit a month)

I recommend (if you really want to switch up E and prop)
week 1-8 Test E 750mg-1000mg/week
week9-16 Test P 100mg/ED (I just like keeping it as stable as possible)
week 9-16 tren ace 100mg/EOD or 50/mg ED (depending on if you do ED or EOD prop )
week 1-16 EQ 600mg/Week
GH- that is going to be on how deep your pockets are..3iu daily or 5iu m-f

I would stay away from the clen, if you eat moderately/somewhat clean on gh and tren you'll be shredded.

GH- first thing upon waking, post workout, right before bed. I would only do all three of those, if you are doing 5+ units a day.
I would say 2.5iu as soon as you wake up, and 2.5 iu right before you get in bed.

thanks for helping bro

one more question i have read somewhere taking GH before bed is not good idea while sleeping if you sugar level goes down then ?