looking for some good advice I can't seem to find. I started my first cycle 5 weeks ago it is a sustanon only. 500 mg a week. Injecting 250 monday and thursday. Around the third week. I noticed heart racing so i checked my bp. It was 166/98. Which scared the shit out of me. Since i have not injected in 2 weeks today. I have since picked up some test e. And my bp is lower. Should i or is it safe to start running that. Or should i just start my pct which consists of nova and clomid. If i should start pct and consider my cycle a loss what is the nest way. I planned doing clomid 50mgwk for 4 weeks along with nova at 40 40 20 20. 3 weeks after 10 week cycle id really hate to abandon cycle but i dont want to screw up my body. I am 30 6 foot and weight 205 pounds. Been lifting for about 5 years.. any advice would be greatly appreciated