Advice Needed


New member
My 16 year old son will be a junior in high school next year and has been approached by his varsity coach and been told he has the lead for the starting wide receiver position next year. His team finished 11-1 losing to the eventual state champs. He is 5'10" and weighs about 155 lbs. He has been hitting the weights pretty hard since the season ended. What can I let him take to supplement him, protein, creatine, ???? I want to make sure he has what he needs to get some more strength and good lean muscle as well. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
I wouldn't give hime creatine his 2 yung( creatine will get lots of woter in his muscles and when he stop taking creatine water will be gone and he is at begining), il take some high quality protein mas gainer,ultra whey pro, mega mass or something like that give him eat 4-6 times a day whit some high protein and he will get good results.

For mass: Gainer 3100, Ultra Whey Pro,mega mass 3000.
For strength: i only know l-carnitine but it is not that efective.

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He needs nothing but to stay active and to eat like an athlete. Cut out the junk food and Playstation.

He'll perform better having someone throw him balls all day and running routes than he will if he takes creatine.
If he's working with weights, he'll definitely need more calories to pack on some muscle. As someone mentioned, make sure he is getting 5 or 6 small meals daily (a meal could be a protein or weight gainer shake), and make sure he is consistant with the weights, thats the key. He is at an age where he will be able to pack on some muscle with little difficulty as long as the weight training is consistant.
I´d give him Creatine (load up @ 5g portions 4times/day in 4 days sen hold with 5grams twice a day) tne i´d give him LOADS of protein, a good diet and c vitamins + a good multivitamin. Glutamin would be good also. Check out his training program also, so its good :)
good luck!
Bast said:
I´d give him Creatine (load up @ 5g portions 4times/day in 4 days sen hold with 5grams twice a day) tne i´d give him LOADS of protein, a good diet and c vitamins + a good multivitamin. Glutamin would be good also. Check out his training program also, so its good :)
good luck!

no bro let him get 17 years and than he can take creatine he is 2 yung.....
eate 5-6 time a day and some high quality protein and he will get good results.
I would have to agree with the rest of the posts. Creatine would be too advanced for him at this age. Tuna is a great "supplement" for young kids. Its healthy, loaded with protien, and low on fat. Very good for packing on some lean muscle!
Why would it be to early? It aint gonna eat him up inside dude! The faster he gets A good diet and good supplements the better.