Advice on First Tren Cycle


New member
I'm planning my next cycle (#4) and want to try adding tren in this time. I just wanted to get some feedback, advice and see if I am overlooking anything. Here is what I'm thinking:

Week 1-10: SUS 250 2x weekly
Week 1-10: Tren E (100 mg) 2x weekly
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50 mg daily

Week 1-10: Arimidex .5 mg eod
Week 10-12: Nolvadex 40 mg daily
Week 12-14: Nolvadex 20 mg daily

Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215
BF: 12%

P.S. I know tren ace is recommended for first tren cycle, however e is what is on hand. Same goes for the sus. I already have these, but will be getting the drol and ancillaries after hammering out the details.
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Looks fine except for a couple of things. Maybe push the dosage of tren to 250 per week, and why are you starting the nolva in week 10? Wait two weeks after the last pin to start pct. If you had tren ace it would be so much better man. If you react badly to the tren e then you will be hating life for another ten days while that shit clears your system. Hopefully you react well.
I've had issues with gyno earlier than would be expected when starting pct in the past, which is why I was going to start the nolva asap. I could push the adex out to twelve weeks instead I guess. As for the E vs ACE, I figure fuck it, I can deal for 10 days if I really have to in order to save that money.
I've had issues with gyno earlier than would be expected when starting pct in the past, which is why I was going to start the nolva asap. I could push the adex out to twelve weeks instead I guess. As for the E vs ACE, I figure fuck it, I can deal for 10 days if I really have to in order to save that money.

Yeah just push the adex out man. This will be much better because you don't want all that active hormone in your system alongside the nolva. If you want to use the nolva to block gyno then you can but you don't need more than 20 mg ed to block gyno. Did you ever consider running the cycle for 12 weeks instead of 10? If you react well to the tren then you will probably have a great cycle man.
Sounds good. I could extend it out to 12 weeks. I was just being conservative with it being my first time with tren.
So at 12 weeks it would look like this:

Week 1-12: SUS 250 2x weekly
Week 1-12: Tren E (100 mg) 2x weekly
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50 mg daily

Week 1-14: Arimidex .5 mg eod
Week 14-16: Nolvadex 40 mg daily
Week 16-18: Nolvadex 20 mg daily
So at 12 weeks it would look like this:

Week 1-12: SUS 250 2x weekly
Week 1-12: Tren E (100 mg) 2x weekly
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50 mg daily

Week 1-14: Arimidex .5 mg eod
Week 14-16: Nolvadex 40 mg daily
Week 16-18: Nolvadex 20 mg daily

Looks great man. The pct would be even better with some clomid next to the nolva but I know lots of people using nolva only. If you run hcg throughout you can recover better too. I think you'll have a good cycle
250mgs of tren per week is a low dose. Most don't like tren e. You do what u want. Your supposed to run ai up to pct. Should add clomid to pct and start it on week 15.
Do you have Prami or Caber on hand? With a 19Nor (Tren) chance of prolactin issues you need to have this on hand in case of issues.

The use of Nolva and Adex was discussed in a thread where megatron advised against it because of the intreraction between them:

This is from WEB md drug interaction checker:

anastrozole oral + Nolvadex oral

Nolvadex oral decreases levels of anastrozole oral by unspecified interaction mechanism

Additional Information: Anastrozole and tamoxifen should not be taken together.

If your gyno prone i would advised on getting some ralox from RUI it is good to go and it is the go to SERM for gyno treatment and reversal.
So at 12 weeks it would look like this:

Week 1-12: SUS 250 2x weekly
Week 1-12: Tren E (100 mg) 2x weekly
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50 mg daily

Week 1-14: Arimidex .5 mg eod
Week 14-16: Nolvadex 40 mg daily
Week 16-18: Nolvadex 20 mg daily

Sustanon needs to be pinned EOD due to the short esters included in the blend.

You are starting PCT too soon. Sust also contains long esters that take longer to clear. I would wait another 7-14 days to start PCT.

PCT should be clomid and nolva together.

As stated earlier, adex should be used up until a day or two before PCT starts.

You should use 250iu of hCG twice a week from Day 1 until a day or two before PCT starts to minimize testicular atrophy.

What are your plans for running blood work?

Have prami or Caber on hand. This is essential with a 19-nor.

I would recommend doing more homework. You don't appear ready for another cycle from a knowledge standpoint. I'm not trying to be an ass, but there is a lot missing from this cycle which is surprising given it will be your 4th.
I'm planning my next cycle (#4) and want to try adding tren in this time. I just wanted to get some feedback, advice and see if I am overlooking anything. Here is what I'm thinking:

Week 1-12 ( 0r 14): SUS 250 2x weekly
Week 1-10: Tren E (100 mg) 2x weekly
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50 mg daily

Week 1-12/14: Arimidex .5 mg eod

Week 14/16 PCT for 4 weeks: Nolvadex 20 mg daily AND Clomid 35-50mg ed

Age: 26
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215
BF: 12%

P.S. I know tren ace is recommended for first tren cycle, however e is what is on hand. Same goes for the sus. I already have these, but will be getting the drol and ancillaries after hammering out the details.

this how I would do it IMO. but looks good. but i rec a combo PCT and run the test a couple weeks longer atleast
Sustanon needs to be pinned EOD due to the short esters included in the blend.

You are starting PCT too soon. Sust also contains long esters that take longer to clear. I would wait another 7-14 days to start PCT.

PCT should be clomid and nolva together.

As stated earlier, adex should be used up until a day or two before PCT starts.

You should use 250iu of hCG twice a week from Day 1 until a day or two before PCT starts to minimize testicular atrophy.

What are your plans for running blood work?

Have prami or Caber on hand. This is essential with a 19-nor.

I would recommend doing more homework. You don't appear ready for another cycle from a knowledge standpoint. I'm not trying to be an ass, but there is a lot missing from this cycle which is surprising given it will be your 4th.
sust doesnt need to be pinned eod.. if you want to focus on the short esters just run prop, or whats the point... as prop is droping the other is still there as that one dropping the next one is still there.. there is still effect, its not like your running a blend with trenace and teste.. two different compounds, then yes you should pin ed or eod due to short ester ( and fact its not same compound), but test is test once ester is off an you will still have a bunch in system days after last pin with sust ) .
2x a week is good with sust. if gone eod, ed, 1x a week and 2x a week over different cycles with sust/omnadren. 2x week is a sweet spot IMO.
also the last ester of sust is pretty slow.. id even wait 3 weeks for pct... really OP if you can i would highly rec teste or cyp.
I also rec HCG the last few weeks of cycle to help ut in pct ( dont run HCG in PCT)
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Why not just use Aromasin and avoid the whole issues with all that bound up E floating around and also the interaction issue with Nolva?
sust doesnt need to be pinned eod.. if you want to focus on the short esters just run prop, or whats the point... as prop is droping the other is still there as that one dropping the next one is still there.. there is still effect, its not like your running a blend with trenace and teste.. two different compounds, then yes you should pin ed or eod due to short ester ( and fact its not same compound), but test is test once ester is off an you will still have a bunch in system days after last pin with sust ) .
2x a week is good with sust. if gone eod, ed, 1x a week and 2x a week over different cycles with sust/omnadren. 2x week is a sweet spot IMO.
also the last ester of sust is pretty slow.. id even wait 3 weeks for pct... really OP if you can i would highly rec teste or cyp.
I also rec HCG the last few weeks of cycle to help ut in pct ( dont run HCG in PCT)

OK. "Need" was the wrong word. I would recommend pinning it EOD though due to the short esters contained in the mix. This would help keep hormone levels more even throughout the week.
Do you have Prami or Caber on hand? With a 19Nor (Tren) chance of prolactin issues you need to have this on hand in case of issues.

The use of Nolva and Adex was discussed in a thread where megatron advised against it because of the intreraction between them:

This is from WEB md drug interaction checker:

anastrozole oral + Nolvadex oral

Nolvadex oral decreases levels of anastrozole oral by unspecified interaction mechanism

Additional Information: Anastrozole and tamoxifen should not be taken together.

If your gyno prone i would advised on getting some ralox from RUI it is good to go and it is the go to SERM for gyno treatment and reversal.

Hey Hiram! Check out interaction identifier. They have a Professional tab for use by a doctor or other medical professionals when mixing drugs.

Here's what theirs said about Anastrozole and Tamoxifen : GENERALLY AVOID: Coadministration with tamoxifen may decrease the plasma concentrations of anastrozole. The mechanism of interaction has not been described. In one clinical trial, coadministration of tamoxifen (20 mg/day) and anastrozole (1 mg/day) in breast cancer patients resulted in decreased anastrozole plasma concentration by 27% compared to administration of anastrozole alone. In addition, at a median follow-up of 33 months, the combination did not demonstrate any efficacy benefit over tamoxifen therapy alone in all patients as well as in the hormone receptor-positive subpopulation, and this treatment arm was discontinued from the trial. The pharmacokinetics of tamoxifen and its pharmacologically active N-desmethyl metabolite were not affected.
Hey thanks for the info guys. So taking everything said here into account, I'm thinking about changing the cycle a bit. It will cost me a good bit more and I don't think the source I have used in the past is operating anymore so I'll have to figure that out, but here is what I have in mind:

Week 1-12 : SUS 250 eod
Week 1-10: Tren Ace (50 mg) eod
Week 1-4: Anadrol 50 mg daily

Week 1-14: Arimidex .5 mg eod
Week 1-14: HCG 250 iu 2x weekly
Week 14-18: Nolvadex 20 mg daily AND Clomid 50mg ed
Prami or Caber on hand

Really I just changed the tren e to ace and added the ancillaries suggested. How's that look? Should the tren dosage be higher as I'll be getting 750mg in test?