advice on GP oral tren


New member
hey guys. I did a 3 week cycle of Geneza Oral tren about 4 months ago. My post cycle therapy (pct) was with Clomid but i only did it for one week. The guy i got the tren and clomid from gave me bad advice.......anyways!

my question is.....i want to take another cycle of the oral tren. i loved the results and took plenty of milkthistle. now......would clomid be the best post cycle therapy (pct) for the oral tren? if so,,,how much and how long do i run it? i know this is kind of a newbie question but im just trying to get good advice before jumping into it.

i know this stuff is toxic to your liver and all that so please dont preach to me about the negatives.

also if you guys have any good references as to where i can get this stuff that would help me alot. i was about to order from but i read they will fuck you over and the guy i got the stuff from the first time charged me and arm and a leg and i feel like he was just out to make money. thanks guys...all advice is appreciated!
GP tren is not the same as the PH tren which is what you'll mostly get advice for here.

needless to say that "cycle" was dumb and you should have run pct at least 3 weeks.

that being said if you can take the risk to get real tren, then pin some real test too. you shouldn't do steroids without a test base. get in the AAS forum and get your learn on before you use compounds that you have no idea what they're gonna do to you.
GP tren is not the same as the PH tren which is what you'll mostly get advice for here.

needless to say that "cycle" was dumb and you should have run post cycle therapy (pct) at least 3 weeks.

that being said if you can take the risk to get real tren, then pin some real test too. you shouldn't do steroids without a test base. get in the AAS forum and get your learn on before you use compounds that you have no idea what they're gonna do to you.

thats why im posting here lol. just need advice. when you say have a base of test your talking about injecting right? Bc i really dont want to inject. im so scared ill fuck up and do something wrong


if you stick around long enough they will magically appear....

haha ok:doh:
well you're just as likely to fuck your stuff up by not using test so you might as well pin and make yourself feel good (and get better gains).

just research pinning and you'll be fine.

if you're intent was to run oral only why didn't you just get some PH/DS? at least that stuff is legal... lol
if you're afraid that the actual pin will kill you it won't. according to what I've read it takes some ridiculous amount of air injected IM to hurt you and over a couple CCs IV to kill you. which unless you have a mondo syringe and can't draw worth a crap, aspirate and you'll be just fine.
well you're just as likely to fuck your stuff up by not using test so you might as well pin and make yourself feel good (and get better gains).

just research pinning and you'll be fine.

if you're intent was to run oral only why didn't you just get some PH/DS? at least that stuff is legal... lol

I have no clue what ph/ds is lol. I'm a rookie man. Im gonna research pinning like you said and read up.
sorry, ph/ds means pro hormone or designer steroid. none of the "PH's" out there any more "convert" to anything, they are what they are - steroids that were deemed to be unfit for medical use (for whatever reason) and are now sold as "legal pro hormones".

they will give you steroid like results... well because they're steroids ;)
thats up for debate. there are some basics that have been around for a while and work.

epistane, halodrol, superdrol are some basics that you will see a lot of. and they all work. epi, though i haven't used it, its said to be the most mild. I had great gains off of halodrol with the only side being a bit of lethargy. and superdrol is supposed to make for huge gains but lots of sides.

there are other ones out there but some are really expensive to run at an effective dose.

post up some stats and goals and someone will be able to send you in the right direction

thats up for debate. there are some basics that have been around for a while and work.

epistane, halodrol, superdrol are some basics that you will see a lot of. and they all work. epi, though i haven't used it, its said to be the most mild. I had great gains off of halodrol with the only side being a bit of lethargy. and superdrol is supposed to make for huge gains but lots of sides.

there are other ones out there but some are really expensive to run at an effective dose.

post up some stats and goals and someone will be able to send you in the right direction


thanks for the info man...

im 22yrs old
lifting for almost 4 years
i would look at your diet before you try aas. at 6' 160lb you have a lot of room to grow with just food.

the down side to aas is that yes you will grow while taking it, but you will go right back to where you were before (maybe smaller) if you have poor training or go back to eating the same way before you were on cycle.

you gotta eat big to get big and to stay big.