Advice on my Peptide Stack - Opinion Please!!!


New member
Heys guys was just wanting some advice on this peptide stack.
Basically using to bridge between cycles, hold muscle and drop a bit of body fat.
Used peptides before, but not this combination below .

age 30
height 190cm
weight 100 kg
bf 15-18%

Lean Muscle
I'm doing 100mcg ghrp-6 first thing in the morning wait 20mins then have breakfast and 50mcg of igf-1r3 im before work out.

Fat Loss
And using combination of Frag-171-191(500mcg) and CJC1295 DAC (100mcg) in the middle of the night.
Find it too hard not to eat 3hrs either side of using the Frag.

Thanks any input would be appreciated.
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