Advice on next move please


New member
Hi Guys

Ive got a dilema which i need advice as what to do with cycle.

Ive used the same lab for the past 2yrs and always had good gains with it but on my last cycle i dont seem to have had good gains as before so either the lab has got weaker vials or i need to change to different varietys.

The lab is fuerza and ive been using the same amounts as i said for a few yrs

week 1-4 D-bol
week 1-16 test cyp 600mg
week 1-15 deca 600mg

The cycle now is at week 12 and im thinking about going on my pct and starting again with a different lab or different types in 8 weeks time
I still have deca, sust, test e from this lab but dont really want to use if there under dosed and not going to see gains as before

PCT will be clomid and tamoxifen as always

whatare your thoughts guys as to do next

Before bashing a lab and all, do you have bloodwork to prove it? If not, you don't have a leg to stand on...
Do you have any bloodwork from previous cycle and this cycle to compare results? If you do post them up so we can look at them. Not getting gains could be alot of combined things not just underdosed gear.

Time off=time on + PCT before you start another cycle
ive never got bloods done after any cycle and pct has always been clomid and tamoxi

Time of depends on length of cycle but most cycles are 16wks so i do 16wks on 16wks off
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start doing bloodwork my man. As for your next cycle....if your on for 16wks you should be off for 16wks + full pct time. (As said by hiram1st)
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