Advice Please..! Newwwbee Here..


New member
Hi to you all.. I am a newbe here. I have been reading for a while and doing my research but new to the forum.

I am 39, 6'3, 235. My body fat percentage has not been verified, but I would say it's probably about 25%.

I did a bunch of research on doing a Test e only cycle and went against good advice and went ahead and started. I am currently in week 8 of 12 @ 500mg / wk. This is my first cycle. I am doing Armidex EOD and have post cycle lined up.

Please save the hate - I know I shouldn't have started this at my body fat %, but I did. I was desperate to get back into the gym and get things going. I am doing weights and cardio. I have been killing it at the gym 4 to 5 days per week, I have had no negative sides, and have gained strength and am losing fat. My start and current weight are about the same, but I chop that up to converting some fat to muscle and water retention. I definitely have gained strength and look and feel better. Muscles are growing and waist is getting smaller.

My question is what should my next step be. I plan to follow complete post cycle and expect my body fat to be closer to 20%. I would like to follow this cycle (after rest) with a cycle that will put on some mass, but continue to bring down the body fat% (after a 2 month break).

Thank you and have a great day.
next step:
outline what you're doing for PCT please

you can get to a much lower bf% if your diet is becoming or IS better. what is your TDEE and how many calories are you eating?
I'm guessing you want to be leaner (your goal)

by trying to put on mass whilst bring down bodyfat (a recomp) you're asking for trouble unless you really know what you're doing. Better to stick to one goal.

2 month break isn't enough

time off = time on + PCT
so at the very least you're looking at 16 weeks off after a 12 week cycle.
Why couldn't you get back into the gym without AAS?

Did you run pre-cycle blood work to establish your Natty baseline? Please post if yes.
You would have gotten excellent results on diet alone . I have always known the importance of diet but wasn't willing to commit . I recently have and I am already noticing a change in how I feel and look . It is that important , gear is just a bonus.
Stay with test only and intensify your workouts and cardio. You will continue to build lbm and that will make it easier to decrease bf%. I see no need to add other ped's. Your goals are simple and if you think adding compounds that bodybuilders use to cut will help you you are mistaken. They will do nothing for you.

Did you use hcg during your cycle? What is your pct? Do you know how long to wait before you can start your pct while test level drops?