New cycle MK677 + Test + EQ


New member
Hi all.

Please can I have some recommendations on my proposed cycle

I am 47 years old with 31% body fat. I train daily and focus on diet.

I will get blood work done prior and not doing pct but going into try when cycle is finished

Week 1- 5 Anapolin (50mg)
Week 1-12 MK -677 (5-15mg)
Week 1-12 Test Combo (750mg)
Week 1-12 EQ (400mg)

Thanks in advance 💪 please be gentle 🙏
Your proposed cycle shows a strong understanding of combining anabolic agents and peptides, but there are several areas where adjustments, clarifications, and precautions are warranted.

General Considerations​

  • Blood Work: It's excellent that you're planning to do blood work beforehand. Ensure you also monitor during and after the cycle, focusing on liver enzymes, lipid profile, and hematocrit, as some of these compounds can impact these significantly.
  • Body Fat: At 31% body fat, there is a heightened risk of estrogen-related side effects due to increased aromatase activity. Consider controlling estrogen carefully and before doing the cycle, you have to bring down your body fat or you will have side issues. Get more exercising done and control your nutrition better to get that BF down to 15-20% before you start your cycle.
  • No PCT: Since you're transitioning to TRT (testosterone replacement therapy), the absence of PCT makes sense, but managing estrogen and other side effects during the transition is critical.
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Testosterone Combo 750mg (Weeks 1-12)
Solid base for any cycle. A combination (likely Sustanon or a blend) provides a range of ester release times.
750mg is a high dose, so ensure you're prepared for potential estrogen-related side effects (e.g., gynecomastia, water retention). Keep an AI (aromatase inhibitor) like Arimidex or Aromasin on hand and use as needed based on blood work.
Inject 2-3 times per week to maintain stable levels and reduce side effects like mood swings.
4. EQ (Equipoise) 400mg (Weeks 1-12)
Whats your endgame for this cycle, what's the purpose? I would lose some of that BF before starting this cycle to make sure you wont have E2 side issues. and yes keep arimidex or aromasin handy if you do proceed to go with this at your current bf. what's your training routine and diet look like now?