advice weather to use tren or dbol to kick off a test deca cycle


New member
I was just wondering what I should use to kick off my test deca taking 800mg test 500deca and I was wondering if I should use dbol,anadrol,or tren to kick off the first 4 to 6 weeks
You shouldn't never use tren and deca together in a cycle...I would do dbol... Make sure you read more and research before you do a cycle...
You shouldn't never use tren and deca together in a cycle...I would do dbol... Make sure you read more and research before you do a cycle...

I know some ppl who ran these together, I wouldn't recommend it tho. OP you should kick start with dbol
Yaaa I wouldn't do that. ONLY if you're quite a few cycles deep, maybe. But there's no need to run both at the same time.. Dbol is enough.