After research I have I still have no idea what peptides are


I am banned!
Can someone tell me very basic of what they do?
Do you cycle them like AAS, and do you need PCT?
Are they safe for all ages?
How many are there? I read sticky and it seems there is about 7...and why do they all have complicated names

And is it a good idea to do them while you are on AAS or is that a bad idea or waste of money?
Good read, I do understand them a lot more now.

Mainly they release more GH right?

Can I stack IGF1 with my Test cycle? Also since its GH that is being relased, I know for a fact that a very rare side affect of injecting pure HGH can change your facial bone structure, can peptides do the same? Because this is the side affect that scares me most
I think I will do the basic cycle which is
Wk1-8 30-60mcg ed igf-1LR3
But once again, like AAS there is nothing extra you need to take correct?(like AI,HCG,PCT)
Also how exactly do you do peptides, are they oral or inject?
Keep reading and researching before trying anything.

GHRH = Growth Hormone Releasing hormone.
GHRP = Growth Hormone Releasing peptide.

They both help coax your lab rat to produce more GH. They are injectable. I don't know that there is a post cycle anything. In fact these could be used as your post cycle therapy (pct) AFTER Synthetic HGH.

THere are many kinds some you become sensitive too and it is good to cycle them around (example Hexarelin). Others are safe for longer term use (example Ipamorelin). The GHRH is best used with a GHRP and also to my knowledge doesn't really need to be cycled and can be used long term. These GHRH's would be the CJCxxxx or other analogs.

THe IGF analogs I think have to be cycled. (not 100% sure) At least for me I'll be cycling mine. 8 weeks on then 8 off for my rat.

Hope that helps.

Take care,
Good read, I do understand them a lot more now.

Mainly they release more GH right?

Can I stack IGF1 with my Test cycle? Also since its GH that is being relased, I know for a fact that a very rare side affect of injecting pure HGH can change your facial bone structure, can peptides do the same? Because this is the side affect that scares me most
I think I will do the basic cycle which is

But once again, like AAS there is nothing extra you need to take correct?(like AI,HCG,post cycle therapy (pct))
Also how exactly do you do peptides, are they oral or inject?

no post cycle therapy (pct) needed for these peptides.

peptides are injected, subQ (in belly fat)