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When we examine the concepts of sports and doping in the 70s simultaneously, and question what substances were used and how the athletes took cycles in the light of the the capabilities of tha time period we live in now, we can find many incomplete and wrong practices
As with everything else, there is a certain cruelty of time in sports and in the personal development of athletes... In the 70s, many athletes with excellent anatomical physique and training knowledge (see: Mentzer) did not reach their peak, perhaps because of their lack of knowledge in the use of steroids and other performance enhancers. Everything could have been very different if they had lived today and competed...
This applies not only to bodybuilding athletes but to all other sport branches... Imagine if Maradona played now and could run as much as Ronaldo.... Or if Michael Jordan had incredible body strength on top of all his talent. We, amateur and professional athletes need to keep up with the current times a bit... Just as we can look back and criticize "oh look, Arnold used Primo but he didn't take Testo with it", 10 years from now the new generations can say "oh look at them, they are still stuck on steroid cycles that cause them make no headway when there are options like peptides".
So, what are these peptides? Why are they so crucial nowadays and are on the lips of almost every athlete? Is there indeed a chance to find in the use of a single peptide the benefits that different drugs in the steroid world can offer, such as fat burning, muscle gain and not interfering with athleticism as mentioned?
Peptides are composed of a combination of two or more amino acids, to which the amino acid combination is attached a carboxyl group together with another amino group. With the water molecule deactivated, the peptide bond is formed. The bottom line is that, simply put, peptides are basic small proteins. Theoretically, amino groups of 50 or fewer amino acids are considered peptides, but this should not be regarded as a general principle.
If we analyze dipeptides, a dipeptide is composed of two amino acids bound together by a peptide bond. This proves that the above definition may not be accurate. As we can infer from this definition, by turning the peptides in our body into dipeptides, we can achieve gains such as fat burning and muscle gain. On the other hand, tripeptides are made up of three amino acids bound together by two peptide bonds, and so on. The amino chains (dipeptides, tripeptides) formed by being bound together by peptide bonds are not complex enough to be directly identified as proteins, because proteins in general are composed of polypeptides.
Leaving the complex definitions aside, I would like to present the case with more comprehensible explanations. As can be inferred from the theoretical information mentioned above, peptides are made of amino acids.
The body needs the formation of peptides, and therefore the intake and production of amino acids, in order for it to function like a machine. In everyday life we can encounter many factors that affect our body's production of amino acids, and I can certainly argue that they also affect the formation of peptides. For instance, the production of IGF-1 (yes, many of you know the name, use it but don't know what it does) can decrease due to stress.
Peptides have many functions in the body. We can describe these functions in terms of their effects on neurotransmitters(Chemicals that enable communication between neurons or between a neuron and another (type of) cell. You may remember from my Sibtramine post that this is how our nervous system is controlled) and other hormones. These functions can affect the way our body functions during dieting and your training performance. They also produce the necessary amino acids needed to ensure the production of growth hormone in our body. If you are not producing enough of these amino acids, your growth hormone levels will decrease. To summarize, if your peptides work well, you will produce enough of the amino acids that provide the beneficial supply of growth hormone.
Regarding the athletes, we can also suggest that peptides taken externally can increase the secretion of growth hormone. This allows us to maximize our body, shorten the recovery period after heavy training and achieve our athletic goals.
Amino acid supplements are widely used as "supplements" in the sports world, among athletes; but nowadays, peptide supplements are increasingly more common than amino acid supplements. Yes, you read it right... Most athletes use peptides instead of supplements to maximize amino acid production. Why? Firstly, peptides are much, much more easily digested by the body and this prevents your body from having to break down a large protein molecule. Secondly, peptides work more stably in our body and this is a huge advantage over unchained, unstable amino acid supplements.
Glutamine and Creatine are the most popular peptides because of their faster absorption and fewer side effects, but there are other types of peptides that are much more effective and more widely used. These are mostly in injection format and are used via subcutaneous injection. Almost all peptides in this form maximize the production of HGH (human growth hormone). This allows the body to both grow in dry muscle mass and burn a considerable amount of fat. IGF-1, GHRP-6 and Ipamorelin are prime examples of such peptides. As an another example, the peptide Melatonan allows the skin to tan as if it had been well sunbathed, while the peptide SNAP-8 prevents the skin from wrinkling. Yes, now we better realize how those perfect men we saw on the podiums were able to use steroids with so many side effects and have such clear skin.
So, how can we get the most out of peptides? The use of peptides allows biological amino acids to attach to the cells more quickly after training. This means faster recovery and higher muscle growth.
In my next posts, I will provide both theoretical explanations and information on usage methods of the most popular peptides such as cjc 1295, ghrp 6, Ipamorelin, Sermorelin, IGF-1 in the form of cure design. You can send me your requests and questions about peptides under this heading.
As with everything else, there is a certain cruelty of time in sports and in the personal development of athletes... In the 70s, many athletes with excellent anatomical physique and training knowledge (see: Mentzer) did not reach their peak, perhaps because of their lack of knowledge in the use of steroids and other performance enhancers. Everything could have been very different if they had lived today and competed...
This applies not only to bodybuilding athletes but to all other sport branches... Imagine if Maradona played now and could run as much as Ronaldo.... Or if Michael Jordan had incredible body strength on top of all his talent. We, amateur and professional athletes need to keep up with the current times a bit... Just as we can look back and criticize "oh look, Arnold used Primo but he didn't take Testo with it", 10 years from now the new generations can say "oh look at them, they are still stuck on steroid cycles that cause them make no headway when there are options like peptides".
So, what are these peptides? Why are they so crucial nowadays and are on the lips of almost every athlete? Is there indeed a chance to find in the use of a single peptide the benefits that different drugs in the steroid world can offer, such as fat burning, muscle gain and not interfering with athleticism as mentioned?
Peptides are composed of a combination of two or more amino acids, to which the amino acid combination is attached a carboxyl group together with another amino group. With the water molecule deactivated, the peptide bond is formed. The bottom line is that, simply put, peptides are basic small proteins. Theoretically, amino groups of 50 or fewer amino acids are considered peptides, but this should not be regarded as a general principle.
If we analyze dipeptides, a dipeptide is composed of two amino acids bound together by a peptide bond. This proves that the above definition may not be accurate. As we can infer from this definition, by turning the peptides in our body into dipeptides, we can achieve gains such as fat burning and muscle gain. On the other hand, tripeptides are made up of three amino acids bound together by two peptide bonds, and so on. The amino chains (dipeptides, tripeptides) formed by being bound together by peptide bonds are not complex enough to be directly identified as proteins, because proteins in general are composed of polypeptides.
Leaving the complex definitions aside, I would like to present the case with more comprehensible explanations. As can be inferred from the theoretical information mentioned above, peptides are made of amino acids.
The body needs the formation of peptides, and therefore the intake and production of amino acids, in order for it to function like a machine. In everyday life we can encounter many factors that affect our body's production of amino acids, and I can certainly argue that they also affect the formation of peptides. For instance, the production of IGF-1 (yes, many of you know the name, use it but don't know what it does) can decrease due to stress.
Peptides have many functions in the body. We can describe these functions in terms of their effects on neurotransmitters(Chemicals that enable communication between neurons or between a neuron and another (type of) cell. You may remember from my Sibtramine post that this is how our nervous system is controlled) and other hormones. These functions can affect the way our body functions during dieting and your training performance. They also produce the necessary amino acids needed to ensure the production of growth hormone in our body. If you are not producing enough of these amino acids, your growth hormone levels will decrease. To summarize, if your peptides work well, you will produce enough of the amino acids that provide the beneficial supply of growth hormone.
Regarding the athletes, we can also suggest that peptides taken externally can increase the secretion of growth hormone. This allows us to maximize our body, shorten the recovery period after heavy training and achieve our athletic goals.
Amino acid supplements are widely used as "supplements" in the sports world, among athletes; but nowadays, peptide supplements are increasingly more common than amino acid supplements. Yes, you read it right... Most athletes use peptides instead of supplements to maximize amino acid production. Why? Firstly, peptides are much, much more easily digested by the body and this prevents your body from having to break down a large protein molecule. Secondly, peptides work more stably in our body and this is a huge advantage over unchained, unstable amino acid supplements.
Glutamine and Creatine are the most popular peptides because of their faster absorption and fewer side effects, but there are other types of peptides that are much more effective and more widely used. These are mostly in injection format and are used via subcutaneous injection. Almost all peptides in this form maximize the production of HGH (human growth hormone). This allows the body to both grow in dry muscle mass and burn a considerable amount of fat. IGF-1, GHRP-6 and Ipamorelin are prime examples of such peptides. As an another example, the peptide Melatonan allows the skin to tan as if it had been well sunbathed, while the peptide SNAP-8 prevents the skin from wrinkling. Yes, now we better realize how those perfect men we saw on the podiums were able to use steroids with so many side effects and have such clear skin.
So, how can we get the most out of peptides? The use of peptides allows biological amino acids to attach to the cells more quickly after training. This means faster recovery and higher muscle growth.
In my next posts, I will provide both theoretical explanations and information on usage methods of the most popular peptides such as cjc 1295, ghrp 6, Ipamorelin, Sermorelin, IGF-1 in the form of cure design. You can send me your requests and questions about peptides under this heading.
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