Albuteral cycle help please


New member
I am planning to run Albuteral soon. From my research I have gathered a general idea of how to cycle. If you guys have better ideas or advice please help

Start off with 2mg per day see how if feels them bump up to 4mg a day(2mg 2x per day). Them bump up to 6mg per day(2mg 3x per day)

Would I need to run it with keto? I plan on doing 2 weeks on 2 off or 3 on 3 off.

Would I need to supplment taurine or potassium while it like clen?

I'm going with albut over clen because the shorter half life so it won't affect m sleep and it appears to be easier on body.
How does it compare to clen in terms of results?
I plan to run it on a cycle of test/anavar and possibly mast. I want to cut bf while keep mass and strength. Will Albuteral negativley affect strength and is it catabolic? I've read it is not catabolic, I've read that it is. I've even read that it can be anabolic so not quite sure which one is correct
6mg a day you'll hardly notice anything bro bump it up to 12mg spread out in 3 doses. As far as running keto if you choose so take 1mg ed before bed. If you decide against keto follow the 2 week on 2 week off protocol
Should I start at 12? Or lower to see how I feel. How long can u take it with keto? And after u get off will it slow metabolism?
12 is still pretty mild i run 18mg myself there shouldn't be an issue running 12 from the start. I've ran it for 40 days straight while running keto. Your metabolism should go back to normal after you discontinue
Dont start at 12 if you have never taken it. Do 2-3mg doses/day for a total of 6mg/day and go from there. everyone responds differently. Because of its shorter half life i dont need to worry about taurine or potassium when i use it. Im usually good at 12mg/day. 6mg in 2-doses. I have run 18 but I run ketotifen with it and take 1mg keto every night before bed this allows 12mgs to remain extremely effective. Albut is slightly less effective than clen but the fewer sides are totally worth it. I dont even use clen anymore - I use albterol exclusively.
So the original protocol I posted would be good? I'm gonna get keto to be safe. Is there any side effects of ketotifen? I know it makes I tired but if there's other sides then I won't take it unless I'm gonna run it at higher dose or longer
Dont start at 12 if you have never taken it. Do 2-3mg doses/day for a total of 6mg/day and go from there. everyone responds differently. Because of its shorter half life i dont need to worry about taurine or potassium when i use it. Im usually good at 12mg/day. 6mg in 2-doses. I have run 18 but I run ketotifen with it and take 1mg keto every night before bed this allows 12mgs to remain extremely effective. Albut is slightly less effective than clen but the fewer sides are totally worth it. I dont even use clen anymore - I use albterol exclusively.

Can I takes pre workout with albuterol still? I mainly get albuterol for the endurance and workout enhancement. I plan to take 2-4mg beforehand workout. And 2-4 after. I'm not really on a cut per say but I want to take advantage of its workout enhancement and increase lipolytic activity during workout.

Will it be overkill to take my pre workout with the albut? I workout early morning. My pre workout is caffiene, beta alanine and NO. Few other things.

I'll start at 2 and it I can tolerate it bump up go 4mg 2x daily
Can I takes pre workout with albuterol still? I mainly get albuterol for the endurance and workout enhancement. I plan to take 2-4mg beforehand workout. And 2-4 after. I'm not really on a cut per say but I want to take advantage of its workout enhancement and increase lipolytic activity during workout.

Will it be overkill to take my pre workout with the albut? I workout early morning. My pre workout is caffiene, beta alanine and NO. Few other things.

I'll start at 2 and it I can tolerate it bump up go 4mg 2x daily

I sometime use just albut as a pre workout on its own. I have never combined it with a pre workout. I suppose you could but that may be overkill. I guess it depends how you respond. Since you are gonna start at a low dose (which is smart) you should be able to test the waters and see how you respond.
I sometime use just albut as a pre workout on its own. I have never combined it with a pre workout. I suppose you could but that may be overkill. I guess it depends how you respond. Since you are gonna start at a low dose (which is smart) you should be able to test the waters and see how you respond.
Cool thanks man! I'm probably gonna take it on a rest day just so if it does mess me up it won't duck up a workout.
Another question. Do u have to let albuterol build up on your system to have an effect or can you take it sparingly, like whenever u want maybe 3-5x a week or so. Or will u have to allow it to build join blood to have an effect
So this seems to be a good place for the following question; what are the benefits of running test c while on a alb and keto cycle? Also, any drawbacks or safety concerns? BTW, I'm also going to be running an adex dose eod as an AI.
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You should start a new thread with your cycle proposal.

Age, height, weight, bf%, training and diet that way people can help you out.

Read this and all its links good info for you:

ok, will do. TY for the rapid reply
I am very sensitive to the 'buterols. If I take more then 2mg in a day I get horribly shaky and cannot sleep that night.