New member
The traditional bulking method as you all know is high protein, high carb and moderate fats. But this also causes alot of unwanted bloat.
What are your thoughts on high protein, high FAT and low carb diets in bulking up.
As fats (healthy fats aswell I mean) are more calorie dense than carbs. Would this diet work well for bulking?
Has any1 tired it before?
I know in the 70's and 80's this was a popular diet for bulking amongst the greats such as arnie
What are your thoughts on high protein, high FAT and low carb diets in bulking up.
As fats (healthy fats aswell I mean) are more calorie dense than carbs. Would this diet work well for bulking?
Has any1 tired it before?
I know in the 70's and 80's this was a popular diet for bulking amongst the greats such as arnie