Alternative bulking diet


New member
The traditional bulking method as you all know is high protein, high carb and moderate fats. But this also causes alot of unwanted bloat.

What are your thoughts on high protein, high FAT and low carb diets in bulking up.

As fats (healthy fats aswell I mean) are more calorie dense than carbs. Would this diet work well for bulking?

Has any1 tired it before?

I know in the 70's and 80's this was a popular diet for bulking amongst the greats such as arnie
IMO, carbs are essential when "bulking". You can certainly maintain good lean mass with high protein/fat (I'm doing a keto diet right now for precontest prep), but I really believe that if someone wants to bulk up they need carbs. They just play such and important role. Granted they don't have to be has high as some people have them when they are dirty bulking. If you wanted to go this route I'd do 6 meals a day, 3 with carbs which would include breakfast, preWO and post WO, other meals would be high protein/fat and low carb. That'd make for a good lean mass diet.
would it not interfere having high carbs morning, pre and pwo. and having low carbs and high fat for rest of meals or would ratios just balance out?

just looking to put on lean bulk after this comp in oct. Tired of bulking up to 270lbs nearly so that i can hardly move, want just lean bulk
They'll balance out. That's basically what I'll be doing this winter after my October comp as well. I may even have 4 meals with carbs (most likely will do this).
i did a very simalar diet this year, but i was only doing 50g of carbs 4 times a day 60g of protein 6 times a day, 100g of broc or asparagus 6times a day and 60g of essent fats, found this layout helped to put on more muscle mass, but i shall increase the fats to 90g, the protein intake to 80g per meal and increase my carbs to 100g 4 times a day. alot of guys i know do a very simalar diet to me and it works for them, one of my mates doesnt either bother to increase the carbs, but ups everything else. i think all depends on the individual, what works for some one else will not always work for u, trial and error my friend.
Have you looked into carb cycling? I will work excellant as a lean bulker :)

sorry hate that term but It should allow for lean muscle gains while keeping the fat at a min. It will also up your insulin sensativity to allow for better growth and avoid that bloat feeling I think your talking about.
Arnold didnt even hear of a "low carb" diet till he came to usa. and he was bbing for many years NOT in usa.
anyway dont keep your carbs tooo low but get them in there or your short changing yourself in gains. worry about bloat later.
would it not interfere having high carbs morning, pre and pwo. and having low carbs and high fat for rest of meals or would ratios just balance out?

just looking to put on lean bulk after this comp in oct. Tired of bulking up to 270lbs nearly so that i can hardly move, want just lean bulk

wish i had your diet plan