Alternative to tuna


Well-known member
Alright, i tried to be a man and gulp it down, but i cant, i hate tuna, its the worst thing in the world to eat. Does anyone have anything comparible tto tuna? Something pretty close to tuna but doesnt taste like tuna?
You could try salmon. It's not quite as dry as tuna. It's got slightly less protein than tuna and more fat. I Think the salmon is more expensive too.
Try putting pineapple chunks or apple juice with your tuna, it takes some of the fishy taste away and makes it less dry. Chicken breasts are high in protein but more expensive.
GTC said:
It's got slightly less protein than tuna and more fat.

True but the fat it contains is omega 3 fat, i.e. the "good" kind. Unless you are watching your calories strictly it is definitely a good choice for a protein source.
I make the tuna more bearable by taking a gulp of whey protein every time I take a bite then chewing it up together. It dulls the fishy taste somewhat.
store bought canned salmon tastes terrible. a while back my dad caught a bunch of fish and canned some for me, and that shit was incredible!
a tbsp or two of dijon mustard makes tuna taste really good. you can also try some fat free ranch, or relish.
immitation crab is great. eat it plain, make crab salad sandwich, put it on salad, inject it . . . . . the options are limitless and it taste much better IMO
As a wrestler i live on this stuff during season, what i have come to like.

If you can afford it in your diet throw some bbq sauce in it, ketchup, anything like that will make it much more tolerable.
what about your basics? .. chicken, other fish, beef? .. it really depends on what your trying to do, what arey your goals at this time? ... if your looking to lean out, chicken and tuna are the way to go. BUT .... sticking with stricktly chicken is just fine as a option.
the chunk white albacore tuna is only slightly more expensive and well worth the difference in taste compared to yellow tuna imo .
The best thing I have found to compliment tuna is mixing it with chopped broccoli and hard boiled egg whites. Both are very cheap. You can make a big batch of this and it stores well for a couple days if kept in the fridge. The best part, no fish taste or smell and its pretty tasty.