Am i eating right?


New member
k, i count protein not calories and carbs. that would take too much thinking. i eat every 2-2 1/2 hours. heres a typical day. each meal i get roughly 45-50 grams of protein. im trying to gain.

- protein shake in skim milk, bowl of cereal
- 1 or 2 ground sirloin patties on wheat, ultra fuel drink
- 3 balance bars, twinlab ultra fuel drink (97g of carbsbut only29 sug)
- 2 big n tasties minus one bun ( double patty ) ultra fuel
- protein shake with skim or a couple protein bars
- chicken breast, wheat pasta, white grape juice
-protein shake, skim milk

if i stay up late ill have another shake about an hour before i go to bed. i take a mega vitamin and drink 1+ gallons of water a day. give me some suggestions. i dont cook much. thanks.
One thing i have to comment about is that you are rellying too much on shakes. The human body thrives on solid foods, not liquid supplements. Four of your meals are supplements! You won't be gaining much if you keep it like that. You should cut the shakes down to 2 per day and have more solid food meals. You will see a big change in your muscle size/density within 10 days. Overall your diet and food choices are ok.
Good advice angerout. He should add some more salads/vegetables to his diet and some healthy fats like olive oil, flax oil etc.