Am I the only one who...


New member
1) Has a decrease in sex drive while using test.
2) Increased sex drive during clomid therapy.
3) Increased sex drive while using fina.
Hell no Exkon! I remember the very first time I did a cycle of Sus and I felt very limp and low. However with each cycle it has increased to the point where my boy wont move lower than the half mast point at any stage! God damn!
Clomid sends me wild aswell, wierd.
Kelzo said:
Hell no Exkon! I remember the very first time I did a cycle of Sus and I felt very limp and low. However with each cycle it has increased to the point where my boy wont move lower than the half mast point at any stage! God damn!
Clomid sends me wild aswell, wierd.

"The soul that is within me no man can degrade."
Exkon said:
1) Has a decrease in sex drive while using test.
2) Increased sex drive during clomid therapy.
3) Increased sex drive while using fina.

1) With test I'm a rocket.
2) On Clomid I'm down (but many friends tell me they they increase sex drive.
3) On tren I' a rocket again:D

This was just for the score.